openmetadata-sqlalchemy-redshift 0.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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openmetadatasqlalchemyredshift 0.2.1

Amazon Redshift dialect for SQLAlchemy.

The package is available on PyPI:
pip install sqlalchemy-redshift

This dialect requires psycopg2 library to work properly. It does not provide
it as required, but relies on you to select the psycopg2 distribution you need:

psycopg2 - standard distribution of psycopg2, requires compilation so few system dependencies are required for it
psycopg2-binary - already compiled distribution (no system dependencies are required)
psycopg2cffi - pypy compatible version

See Psycopg2’s binary install docs
for more context on choosing a distribution.

The DSN format is similar to that of regular Postgres:
>>> import sqlalchemy as sa
>>> sa.create_engine('redshift+psycopg2://')
See the RedshiftDDLCompiler documentation
for details on Redshift-specific features the dialect supports.

To perform a release, you will need to be an admin for the project on
GitHub and on PyPI. Contact the maintainers if you need that access.
You will need to have a ~/.pypirc with your PyPI credentials and
also the following settings:
create-wheels = yes
To perform a release, run the following:
python3.6 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/dist
workon dist
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install -U tox zest.releaser
fullrelease # follow prompts, use semver ish with versions.
The releaser will handle updating version data on the package and in
CHANGES.rst along with tagging the repo and uploading to PyPI.

0.8.7 (unreleased)

Nothing changed yet.

0.8.6 (2021-09-22)

Add RedshiftDialect_redshift_connector
(Pull #232)
Create RedshiftDialectMixin class. Add RedshiftDialect_psycopg2cffi.
(Pull #231)

0.8.5 (2021-08-23)

Support TIMETZ datatype
(Pull #229)
Fix RelationKey unquoted issue
(Pull #228)

0.8.4 (2021-07-15)

Improve reflection performance by fetching/caching metadata per schema
rather than for the entire database
(Pull #223)

0.8.3 (2021-07-07)

SQLAlchemy 1.4.x support
(Pull #221)

0.8.2 (2021-01-08)

Allow supplying multiple role ARNs in COPY and UNLOAD commands. This allows
the first role to assume other roles as explained

0.8.1 (2020-07-15)

Support AWS partitions for role-based access control in COPY and UNLOAD
commands. This allows these commands to be used, e.g. in GovCloud.

0.8.0 (2020-06-30)

Add option to drop materialized view with CASCADE
(Pull #204)
Fix invalid SQLAlchemy version comparison
(Pull #206)

0.7.9 (2020-05-29)

Fix for supporting SQLAlchemy 1.3.11+
(Issue #195)

0.7.8 (2020-05-27)

Added support for materialized views
(Issue #202)
Fix reflection of unique constraints
(Issue #199)
Support for altering column comments in Alembic migrations
(Issue #191)

0.7.7 (2020-02-02)

Import Iterable from for Python 3.9 compatibility
(Issue #189)
Add support for Parquet format in UNLOAD command
(Issue #187)

0.7.6 (2020-01-17)

Fix unhashable type error for sortkey reflection in SQLAlchemy >= 1.3.11
(Issue #180)
Expose supported types for import from the dialect
(Issue #181)
Reflect column comments
(Issue #186)

0.7.5 (2019-10-09)

Extend psycopg2 package version check to also support psycopg2-binary and psycopg2cffi
(Issue #178)

0.7.4 (2019-10-08)

Drop hard dependency on psycopg2 but require package to be present on runtime
(Issue #165)
Switch from info to keyword arguments on columns for SQLAlchemy >= 1.3.0
(Issue #161)
Add support for column info on redshift late binding views
(Issue #159)
Add support for MAXFILESIZE argument to UNLOAD.
(Issue #123)
Add support for the CREATE LIBRARY command.
(Issue #124)
Add support for the ALTER TABLE APPEND command.
(Issue #162)
Add support for the CSV format to UnloadFromSelect.
(Issue #169)
Update the list of reserved words (adds “az64” and “language”)
(Issue #176)

0.7.3 (2019-01-16)

Add support for REGION argument to COPY and UNLOAD commands.
(Issue #90)

0.7.2 (2018-12-11)

Update tests to adapt to changes in Redshift and SQLAlchemy
(Issue #140)
Add header option to UnloadFromSelect command
(Issue #156)
Add support for Parquet and ORC file formats in the COPY command
(Issue #151)
Add official support for Python 3.7
(Issue #153)
Avoid manipulating search path in table metadata fetch by using system tables
directly (Issue #147)

0.7.1 (2018-01-17)

Fix incompatibility of reflection code with SQLAlchemy 1.2.0+
(Issue #138)

0.7.0 (2017-10-03)

Do not enumerate search_path with external schemas (Issue #120)
Return constraint name from get_pk_constraint and get_foreign_keys
Use Enums for Format, Compression and Encoding.
Deprecate string parameters for these parameter types
(Issue #133)
Update included certificate with the transitional ACM cert bundle
(Issue #130)

0.6.0 (2017-05-04)

Support role-based access control in COPY and UNLOAD commands
(Issue #88)
Increase max_identifier_length to 127 characters
(Issue #96)
Fix a bug where table names containing a period caused an error on reflection
(Issue #97)
Performance improvement for reflection by caching table constraint info
(Issue #101)
Support BZIP2 compression in COPY command
(Issue #110)
Allow tests to tolerate new default column encodings in Redshift
(Issue #114)
Pull in set of reserved words from Redshift docs
(Issue #94 <> _)

0.5.0 (2016-04-21)

Support reflecting tables with foriegn keys to tables in non-public schemas
(Issue #70)
Fix a bug where DISTKEY and SORTKEY could not be used on column names containing
spaces or commas. This is a breaking behavioral change for a command like
__table_args__ = {‘redshift_sortkey’: (‘foo, bar’)}. Previously, this would sort
on the columns named foo and bar. Now, it sorts on the column named foo, bar.
(Issue #74)

0.4.0 (2015-11-17)

Change the name of the package to sqlalchemy_redshift to match the naming
convention for other dialects; the redshift_sqlalchemy package now emits
a DeprecationWarning and references sqlalchemy_redshift.
The redshift_sqlalchemy compatibility package will be removed
in a future release.
(Issue #58)
Fix a bug where reflected tables could have incorrect column order for some
CREATE TABLE statements, particularly for columns with an IDENTITY
(Issue #60)
Fix a bug where reflecting a table could raise a NoSuchTableError
in cases where its schema is not on the current search_path
(Issue #64)
Add python 3.5 to the list of versions for integration tests.
(Issue #61)

0.3.1 (2015-10-08)

Fix breakages to CopyCommand introduced in 0.3.0:
Thanks solackerman.
(Issue #53)

When format is omitted, no FORMAT AS … is appended to the query. This
makes the default the same as a normal redshift query.
fix STATUPDATE as a COPY parameter

0.3.0 (2015-09-29)

Fix view support to be more in line with SQLAlchemy standards.
get_view_definition output no longer includes a trailing semicolon and
views no longer raise an exception when reflected as Table objects.
(Issue #46)
Rename RedShiftDDLCompiler to RedshiftDDLCompiler.
(Issue #43)
Update commands
(Issue #52)

Expose optional TRUNCATECOLUMNS in CopyCommand.
Add all other COPY parameters to CopyCommand.
Move commands to their own module.
Support inserts into ordered columns in CopyCommand.

0.2.0 (2015-09-04)

Use SYSDATE instead of NOW().
Thanks bouk.
(Issue #15)
Default to SSL with hardcoded AWS Redshift CA.
(Issue #20)
Refactor of CopyCommand including support for specifying format and
compression type. (Issue #21)
Explicitly require SQLAlchemy >= 0.9.2 for ‘dialect_options’.
(Issue #13)
Refactor of UnloadFromSelect including support for specifying all documented
redshift options.
(Issue #27)
Fix unicode issue with SORTKEY on python 2.
(Issue #34)
Add support for Redshift DELETE statements that refer other tables in
the WHERE clause.
Thanks haleemur.
(Issue #35)
Raise NoSuchTableError when trying to reflect a table that doesn’t exist.
(Issue #38)

0.1.2 (2015-08-11)

Register postgresql.visit_rename_table for redshift’s
alembic RenameTable.
Thanks bouk.
(Issue #7)

0.1.1 (2015-05-20)

Register RedshiftImpl as an alembic 3rd party dialect.

0.1.0 (2015-05-11)

First version of sqlalchemy-redshift that can be installed from PyPI


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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