openterrace 0.1.4

Creator: railscoder56

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openterrace 0.1.4

OpenTerrace is a pure Python framework for packed bed thermal energy storage simulations. It is built from the ground up to be flexible and extendable on modern Python 3.x with speed in mind.
OpenTerrace uses awesome open-source software such as
Numba, NumPy and SciPy:grey_exclamation:
Read the documentation of OpenTerrace
Why OpenTerrace?

By making use of modern compilers and optimised tri-diagonal matrix solvers, OpenTerrace is built to be fast.

OpenTerrace is built from the ground up to be flexible for easy integration in system models or optimisation loops.

Modules for new materials such as non-spherical rocks or exotic Phase Change Materials (PCM) can easily be plugged into the OpenTerrace framework.

Want to contribute?
Contributions are welcome :pray: Feel free to send pull requests or get in touch with me to discuss how to collaborate. More details in the docs.
Code contributors

Jakob Hærvig, Associate Professor, AAU Energy, Aalborg University, Denmark


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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