openwiz 1.3.6

Creator: railscoder56

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openwiz 1.3.6

OpenWiz CLI - PyPI
The OpenWiz CLI is a powerful command-line tool that utilizes the OpenAI API to generate code snippets based on user prompts. It is designed to assist developers by providing code suggestions and templates directly into their development environment, thereby enhancing coding efficiency. The CLI also offers functionalities to save and load sessions, manage configurations, and handle generated code effectively.

Generate Code: Create code snippets based on textual prompts using the OpenAI API.
Save Generated Code: Directly save generated code to specified files.
Save and Load Sessions: Save the current state of your prompts and generated code for later use and seamlessly continue working with previously saved sessions.
Configuration Management: Easily configure your OpenAI API key and other settings.

Installation Guide

Python 3.7 or later
OpenAI API key

Developer Setup

Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd openwiz

Virtual Environment Setup:
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt

API Key Configuration:
python src\ configure

Usage Instructions
1. Configuration
python src\ configure

Enter your OpenAI API key: <your_api_key>

2. Code Generation
python src\ generate "Create a Python function to add two numbers"

Sample Output:
Generated Code:
def add(a, b):
return a + b

3. Saving Generated Code
python src\ generate "Create a Python function to subtract two numbers" --file-name

Sample Output:
Generated Code:
def subtract(a, b):
return a - b

> Code saved to

4. Session Management
Save the current session with a specific name for later retrieval.
python src\ save --session-name my_session --prompt "Create a Python function to add two numbers"

Sample Output:
Generated Code:
def add(a, b):
return a + b

> Session my_session saved

Explanation: This command saves the current session with the provided prompt under the name my_session.
5. Loading Sessions
Load a previously saved session to resume work from a specific state.
python src\ load --session-name my_session

Sample Output:
Loaded Session:
"prompt": "Create a Python function to add two numbers",
"generated_code": "def add(a, b):\n return a + b"

Explanation: This command loads the session named my_session, allowing access to the associated prompt and generated code.
Install the package from PyPI to integrate with existing projects.
pip install openwiz

Configuration and Usage
Configure the OpenAI API key and utilize the CLI functionalities as demonstrated in the previous section.
1. Configuration
owc configure

2. Code Generation
owc generate "Create a Python function to add two numbers"

3. Saving Generated Code
owc generate "Create a Python function to subtract two numbers" --file-name

4. Session Management
owc save --session-name my_session --prompt "Create a Python function to add two numbers"

5. Loading Sessions
owc load --session-name my_session

Command Reference


Generate code based on a prompt.
--file-name: Save the generated code to a specified file.

Save the current session with a specified name.
--session-name: Save the generated code as a session to view later.

Load a previously saved session.
--f: Load and view all the saved sessions.--d: Delete a specific session.--session-name: Load a specific session from the saved sessions.

Configure the OpenAI API key.

Development Guidelines
Running Tests
Ensure code integrity by running unit tests.
pytest tests/

Explanation: This command executes the unit tests located in the tests directory to validate the functionality of the codebase.
Contribution Workflow
Contribute to the project by following these steps:

Fork the repository.
Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
Implement changes and add corresponding tests.
Commit the changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
Push the changes to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
Create a new Pull Request for review and integration.

We welcome contributions! Please see the file for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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