opik-installer 0.1.4

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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opikinstaller 0.1.4

Opik Server Installer & Manager
The Opik server installer is a Python package that installs and manages the
Opik server on a local machine.
It aims to make this process as simple as possible, by reducing the number of
steps required to install the Opik server.
To install the tool, run the following command:
pip install opik-server

Installing Opik Server
To install the Opik server, run the following command:
opik-server install

You can also run the installer in debug mode to see the details of the
installation process:
opik-server --debug install

By default, the installer will install the same version of the Opik as its
own version (opik-server -v). If you want to install a specific version, you
can specify the version using the --opik-version flag:
opik-server install --opik-version 0.1.0

By default, the installer will setup a local port forward to the Opik server
using the port 5173. If you want to use a different port, you can specify
the port using the --local-port flag:
opik-server install --local-port 5174

Upgrading Opik Server
To upgrade the Opik server, run the following command:
pip install --upgrade opik-server
opik-server upgrade

Or upgrade to a specific version:
opik-server upgrade --opik-version 0.1.1

Building the Python Package
To build the package:

Ensure that you have the necessary packaging dependencies installed:

pip install -r pub-requirements.txt

Run the following command to build the package:

python -m build --wheel

This will create a dist directory containing the built package.

You can now upload the package to the PyPi repository using twine:

twine upload dist/*

QA Testing
To test the installer, clone this repository onto the machine you want to
install the Opik server on and install the package using the following
# Make sure pip is up to date
pip install --upgrade pip

# Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:comet-ml/opik.git

# You may need to checkout the branch you want to test
# git checkout installer-pkg

cd opik/deployment/installer/

# Install the package
pip install .

If your pip installation path you may get a warning that the package is not
installed in your PATH. This is fine, the package will still work.
But you will need to call the fully qualified path to the executable.
Review the warning message to see the path to the executable.
# When the package is publically released none of these flags will be needed.
# and you will be able to simply run `opik-server install`
opik-server install --opik-version 0.1.0

This will install the Opik server on your machine.
By default this will hide the details of the installation process. If you want
to see the details of the installation process, you can add the --debug
flag just before the install command.
opik-server --debug install ........

If successful, the message will instruct you to run a kubectl command to
forward the necessary ports to your local machine, and provide you with the
URL to access the Opik server.
To uninstall the Opik server, run the following command:
minikube delete

To reset the machine to a clean state, with no Opik server installed, it is
best to use a fresh VM. But if you want to reset the machine to a clean state
without reinstalling the VM, you can run the following commands:
minikube delete
brew uninstall minikube
brew uninstall helm
brew uninstall kubectl
brew uninstall --cask docker
rm -rf ~/.minikube
rm -rf ~/.helm
rm -rf ~/.kube
rm -rf ~/.docker
sudo find /usr/local/bin -lname '/Applications/Docker.app/*' -exec rm {} +

minikube delete
sudo apt-get remove helm kubectl minikube docker-ce containerd.io
rm -rf ~/.minikube
rm -rf ~/.helm
rm -rf ~/.kube
rm -rf ~/.docker


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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