OPLS-MD 0.0.5

Creator: railscoder56

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OPLSMD 0.0.5

OPLS and PLS regressors with some utility to help with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation analysis.
pip install OPLS-MD

or to get the latest development commits (if any) clone the github repo and run
pip install .

General usage
Given a structure file and trajectory as struct.pdb and traj.xtc we can e.g. define a function as the distance of two specific C alpha atoms:
import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np

# Make universe and load trajectory to memory
u = mda.Universe("struct.pdb","traj.xtc")
coords = np.array([u.atoms.positions.copy() for ts in u.trajectory])
# Calculate function as distance between res 2 and 150 CA
sel = u.select_atoms("resid 2 150 and name CA")
y = np.linalg.norm(coords[:,sel.indices[0],:]-coords[:,sel.indices[1],:], axis=-1)
# Flatten from N by M by 3 dimensions to N by 3M
X = coords.reshape((coords.shape[0],-1))

Now that we have shape N by 3M array of X values and a one dimensional y, we can start running the OPLS
from OPLS_MD import PLS, OPLS

opls = OPLS(n_components=1).fit(X,y)

This will fit a one component OPLS model on the data. To get a new X array, where we have filtered out the orthogonal components, we can use the transform function
X_filt = opls.transform(X)

Finally to get our model, we can fit the PLS with the filtered data.
pls = PLS(n_components=5).fit(X_filt,y)

If we have a new set of data, called X_new, we can predict the y values for it as
X_new_filt = opls.transform(X_new)
y_new_predicted = pls.predict(X_new_filt)

or if the corresponding y_new are known, we can estimate the coefficient of determination (r2) with
X_new_filt = opls.transform(X_new)
r2 = pls.score(X_new_filt, y_new)

Having to run two separate models one after the other can be tiresome, so the package also includes as OPLS_PLS object, which does the above much easier:
from OPLS import OPLS_PLS

# Fitting:
opls_pls = OPLS_PLS(n_components=1,pls_components=5).fit(X,y)

# Predicting:
y_new_predicted = opls_pls.predict(X_new)

# Scoring:
r2 = opls_pls.score(X_new, y_new)

MD-simulation utility
In the previous example we had to flatten the MD coordinates before running the regressor. The three regressors have MD-utility counterparts with a _MD-suffix that can take the coordinates as input.
The first two blocks of the example then become
import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np

# Make universe and load trajectory to memory
u = mda.Universe("struct.pdb","traj.xtc")
coords = np.array([u.atoms.positions.copy() for ts in u.trajectory])
# Calculate function as distance between res 2 and 150 CA
sel = u.select_atoms("resid 2 150 and name CA")
y = np.linalg.norm(coords[:,sel.indices[0],:]-coords[:,sel.indices[1],:], axis=-1)

from OPLS_MD import PLS_MD, OPLS_MD

opls = OPLS_MD(n_components=1).fit(coord,y)

Instead of a coordinate array, the X can also be given as an MDAnalysis Universe or AtomGroup, with a trajectory length matching the y-array.
Visualising the model
The regressors include an inverse_predict-function, which takes in the y-values and outputs the interpolated corresponding X-structures. This can be useful with univariate y to visualize the coefficent vector of the model. With the *_MD variants the output will have the correct shape of (y.shape[0], natoms, ndim). With a trained PLS_MD model pls, we can write a trajectory with
u = mda.Universe("struct.pdb")
with mda.Writer("pls_coeff.xtc", u.atoms.n_atoms) as w:
X_interp = pls.inverse_predict(np.linspace(y.min(),y.max(),nsteps))
for crd in X_interp:
u.atoms.positions = crd

Testing the number of components
Normally to test the different numbers of components you would simply retrain the models with different numbers. The PLS model saves the coefficients of each previous component up to n_components. The predict, inverse_predict and score -functions take ndim as an optional argument to set with how many components the calculation should be made.
To get the score over each number of components up to 10 you can run
maxcomp = 10
pls = PLS(n_components=maxcomp).fit(X_train, y_train)
score = []
for k in range(1,maxcomp+1):
score.append(pls.score(X_test, y_test, ncomp=k))

The same works with PLS_MD and OPLS_PLS_MD. With the latter it only affects the underlying PLS model, not the OPLS filter.
Main references for OPLS:
[1] Wold S, et al. PLS-regression: a basic tool of chemometrics.
Chemometr Intell Lab Sys 2001, 58, 109–130.
[2] Bylesjo M, et al. Model Based Preprocessing and Background
Elimination: OSC, OPLS, and O2PLS. in Comprehensive Chemometrics.


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