oppapi 0.0.6

Creator: railscoder56

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oppapi 0.0.6

Ergonomic option parser on top of dataclasses, inspired by structopt.

from typing import Optional
from oppapi import from_args, oppapi

class Opt:
Option parser using oppapi

host: str
""" This will be positional argument of type `str` """

port: Optional[int] = 8000
""" Optional argument will be option argument """

opt = from_args(Opt)

The code above generates such option parser that

Generates parser description from class's docstring
Generates argument description from field's docstring
A field will be a positional argument
An optional field will be an optional argument

See the parser help message:
$ python simple.py -h
usage: simple.py [-h] [-p PORT] host

Option parser using oppapi

positional arguments:
host This will be positional argument of type `str`

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Optional argument will be option argument

Running the program deserializes the command line arguments into an object of the declared class.
$ python simple.py localhost -p 20000
Opt(host='localhost', port=20000)

Supported types

Primitives (int, float, str, bool)
Containers (List, Tuple)
Enum and IntEnum

oppapi generates flag names automatically, but you can specify arbitrary short/long names.
from typing import Optional
from oppapi import from_args, oppapi, field

class Opt:
host: Optional[str] = field(short="-n", long="--hostname")

enum.Enum and enum.IntEnum will be an argument with choices parameter.
class Food(Enum):
A = "Apple"
B = "Beer"
C = "Chocolate"

class Price(IntEnum):
A = 10
B = 20
C = 30

class Opt:
food: Food
price: Optional[Price]

usage will be like this:
positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p {10,20,30}, --price {10,20,30}

oppapi converts the command line arguments back to Enum.
$ python choice.py Apple --price 20
Opt(food=<Food.A: 'Apple'>, price=<Price.B: 20>)

List will be an arbitrary number of arguments (nargs="+"). Tuple will be a fixed number of arguments (nargs=NUM).
class Opt:
values: List[int]
opts: Optional[Tuple[int, str, float, bool]]

$ python nargs.py 1 2 3 --opts 10 foo 10.0 True
Opt(values=[1, 2, 3], opts=(10, 'foo', 10.0, True))

Union of dataclasses will be subcommands.
class Foo:
a: int

class Bar:
a: str
b: Optional[int]

class Opt:
sub: Union[Foo, Bar]

usage: subcommand.py [-h] {foo,bar} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

This project is licensed under the MIT license


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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