opswork 0.8.17

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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opswork 0.8.17

To use opswork, follow the following steps:

Create a python virtual environment or use system wide environment

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install opswork package with pip.

$ pip install opswork

Get opswork command line help

$ opswork --help

Init the config file and the sqlite database

$ opswork config init

To edit configs

$ opswork config init

Add a recipe

$ opswork recipe add <recipe_name> -p <recipe_relative_path>

# Some examples
$ opswork recipe add clivern/ping -p recipe/ping -f
$ opswork recipe add clivern/nginx -p recipe/nginx -f
$ opswork recipe add clivern/motd -p recipe/motd -f
$ opswork recipe add clivern/cmd -p recipe/cmd -f
# From remote git
$ opswork recipe add clivern/dotfiles/update -p git@github.com:clivern/dotfiles.git -s brew/update -t dotfiles -f

To list recipes

$ opswork recipe list

# Get recipes as a JSON
$ opswork recipe list -o json | jq .

To get a recipe

$ opswork recipe get <recipe_name>

To delete a recipe

$ opswork recipe delete <recipe_name>

Add a host

$ opswork host add <host_name> -i <host_ip> -p <ssh_port> -u <ssh_username> -s <ssh_key_path>

# Add a remote host
$ opswork host add example.com -i -p 22 -u root -s /Users/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pem

# Add the localhost
$ opswork host add localhost -i localhost -c local

To list hosts

$ opswork host list

# Get hosts as a JSON
$ opswork host list -o json | jq .

To get a host

$ opswork host get <host_name>

To SSH into a host

$ opswork host ssh <host_name>

To delete a host

$ opswork host delete <host_name>

Run a recipe towards a host

$ opswork recipe run <recipe_name> -h <host_name> -v key=value

# Some examples
$ opswork recipe run clivern/nginx -h example.com
$ opswork recipe run clivern/ping -h localhost

To generate a random password

$ opswork random password 8

To add a secret

$ opswork secret add <secret/name> <secret_value> -t <tag>

$ opswork secret add clivern/cloud_provider/api_key xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx -t cloud_provider

To list secrets

$ opswork secret list -o json

To get a secret

$ opswork secret get <secret_name>

# For example
$ opswork secret get clivern/cloud_provider/api_key

To delete a secret

$ opswork secret delete <secret_name>

# For example
$ opswork secret delete clivern/cloud_provider/api_key


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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