optimal-data-splitter 0.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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optimaldatasplitter 0.1.2

Optimal_data_splitter is a Python package created to enable data scientists to quickly and easily split their data into training,
validation, and test data in an optimal manner. Many data scientists will split their data randomly, potentially with
shuffling or stratification. Even with these approaches it is common for data to not be well distributed across all
features or factors that may negatively influence the ability to adequately validate/test a model prior to deployment.
Optimal_data_splitter resolves this by searching through many possible combinations of data splits and determining which one is the
closest to the target split distribution.

Use pip install optimal-data-splitter to install the package.


Import the OptimalDataSplitter class using from optimal_data_splitter import OptimalDataSplitter
Splitting data using default settings can be done with:

splitter = OptimalDataSplitter(data=input_data)
out = splitter.split_data()
The output data will have an additional split column that contains 'train', 'val', or 'test' labels.
If this is done in a Jupyter notebook it will generate a couple of plots

Multiple parameters can be configured (see Configuration section) and included in the data split via the optional
config input to OptimalDataSplitter()

splitter = OptimalDataSplitter(data=input_data, config=config_dict)

Data Input Format

Optimal_data_splitter expects the data input to be a Pandas DataFrame with the following restrictions:

The first column must be title 'id'
The 'id' column must have a unique identifier for each row. An example would be a filename or a uuid.
All other columns must only contain numerical (float or int) data
The numeric (feature) columns are expected to be the count of that feature for that row

For features with distributions (e.g. image brightness), the recommended approach is to separate the
distribution into some number of buckets, and then one hot encode the rows into them as appropriate.
The appropriate number of buckets depends on the distribution, but keeping the number low is recommended to
minimize complexity and ensure there is sufficient data to split within each bucket. Something like 2-5 buckets is
usually reasonable.
A good approach to buckets is to use equally sized buckets based on evenly spaced percentiles, but it is
highly recommended that users visualize the distribution of all features to ensure the buckets capture any obvious
information (e.g. clearly separate bimodal distribution).

The config attribute in optimal_data_splitter expects a dictionary of optional configuration parameters. Anywhere from zero to all
of these parameters can be changed for any particular run. The available parameters to configure and their default
values are:

val_percent = 0.1; Portion of data to place in validation set (val). Must be between 0 and 1.
test_percent = 0.1; Portion of data to place in test set. Must be between 0 and 1.
num_iterations = 1000; Number of iterations to randomly check in each split. It is not recommended to decrease this
number below 1000.
save_output = True; If True then save the resulting data split and plots to file. Set to False to avoid saving
anything to file.
output_path = './'; Set the path to the directory to save the results and plot if save_output is True.
results_filename = 'split_data.csv'; Set the filename of the split results if save_output is True.
l2_plot_filename = 'l2_results.png'; Set the filename of the L2 plot if save_output is True.
results_plot_filename = 'results.png'; Set the filename of the results plot if save_output is True.


If the L2 plot shows a floor of L2 values with only 1 or 2 results below that floor you may get better results by
increasing the num_iterations parameter. Note that this will increase runtime.
If you are not data limited a 80/10/10 train/val/test split or 80/20 train/test split is a good place to start. If
data limited, something like 60/20/20 is better.

The below is an example using some sample data with 6 features (f1 to f6) and 30 files (file1 to file30). This data can
be obtained from the repo at https://github.com/mrock929/optimal-data-splitter.
import pandas as pd
from optimal_data_splitter import OptimalDataSplitter

input_data = pd.read_csv('./sample_data.csv')

config = {'num_iterations': 5000}

splitter = OptimalDataSplitter(data=input_data, config=config)
out = splitter.split_data()


Sample output

L2 plot

Note the somewhat distinct floor in both data splits just below 0.1. If only 1000 iterations were used, only a few
values would be below the floor, but with 5000 iterations there are 10-20 values below the floor. This is more likely
to produce a good data split. The black symbols were the iterations used for the final split.
Results plot

This plot shows the percentage of data within each portion of the split for each features (f1-f6 in this example).
This is the results from a 5000 iteration split. The data is fairly well balanced between train, validation, and test
with a roughly 80/10/10 distribution across all features.

If a random split was performed using the same data as above, this is the result for random_state = 1. Note how poorly
distributed some of the features are.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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