optimal-loc 0.1.7

Creator: railscoder56

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optimalloc 0.1.7

What is it?
The OptimalLoc package is a Python library designed to provide a solution for finding optimal locations based on various needs such as transportation and logistics, urban planning, retail, healthcare, and emergency services. The package utilizes a mixed integer linear optimization algorithm to calculate the optimal locations based on input demands and a specified number of location points.
Main Features

Hexagon mapping: The package uses the Uber h3 library to map locations onto hexagons on a map. This allows for efficient optimization calculations by reducing the number of data points involved.
Event frequency calculation: The package calculates the frequency of events in each hexagonal region based on the provided input data. This information is used in the optimization algorithm to determine the optimal locations.
Distance data management: The package includes functionality to create and read distance data between pairs of hexagonal regions. This data can be stored in a database, such as MongoDB, or as a dataframe.
Optimization algorithm: The package utilizes a mixed integer linear optimization algorithm, implemented using the pulp library, to determine the optimal locations based on the given demands and the desired number of location points.
Visualization: The package provides a frontend app built with Streamlit to visualize the optimal results on a map. Users can interact with the app to analyze and understand the optimal locations.

Purpose of the Package
The OptimalLoc package aims to assist various industries, including logistics, retail, and emergency services, in optimizing their operations by identifying the best locations for their needs. By finding the optimal locations, organizations can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance their overall performance.
Getting Started
To install the OptimalLoc package, you can use pip, the package installer for Python:
pip install optimal-loc

To use the OptimalLoc package for finding optimal locations, follow the steps below:

Import the OptimalLoc class from the package:
import optimal_loc

Create an instance of the OptimalLoc class:
sol = optimal_loc.OptimalLoc()

Prepare your input data:

Load your data into a pandas DataFrame, ensuring it includes the required columns for latitude and longitude information.
Clean and preprocess the data as needed.

Create hexagon distance data:

Call the create_hexagon_distance_data method of the OptimalLoc instance, providing your preprocessed data and specifying the hexagon size ('small', 'medium', or 'big').
This step will calculate the hexagons on which the points in your data fall and create the necessary data to calculate distances between these hexagons.

sol.create_hexagon_distance_data(data, 'medium')

Read the distances:

If you have a large distance dataset, you can store it in a MongoDB database and read it using the read_distances_from_mongodb method.
Alternatively, you can directly read the distance data from a dataframe using the read_distances method.

Example (reading from MongoDB):

Example (reading from a dataframe):
sol.read_distances(read_from_dataframe=True, distance_dataframe=distance_data)

Calculate optimal locations:

Call the calculate_optimal_locations method of the OptimalLoc instance, specifying the number of desired optimal locations and providing the distance and frequency data.
This step will run the mixed integer linear optimization algorithm and calculate the optimal points or hexagon regions.


Access the results:

After running the optimization algorithm, the optimal and supply data will be available in the optimal_data and supply_data attributes of the OptimalLoc instance, respectively.

optimal_results = sol.optimal_data
supply_results = sol.supply_data

Visualize the results:

To visualize the optimal results on a map, you can call the visualize function from the optimal_loc.bash_command module.


Explore and analyze the optimal locations using the provided Streamlit frontend app.

Open the app in a web browser using the displayed URL.
Interact with the app to analyze the optimal locations visually and perform further analyses.

By following these steps, you can utilize the OptimalLoc package to find optimal locations for various applications, such as transportation and logistics, urban planning, retail, healthcare, and emergency services.
Contributions are welcome.
Notice a bug let us know.

Main Maintainer: Sinan Demirhan (SDemirhan)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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