optimal-mean-estimator 2.0.0

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optimalmeanestimator 2.0.0

Optimal mean estimator
This module is a python implementation of the optimal subgaussian mean estimator from
J. C. H. Lee and P. Valiant, "Optimal Sub-Gaussian Mean Estimation in R" 2021 IEEE 62nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), Denver, CO, USA, 2022, pp. 672-683, doi: 10.1109/FOCS52979.2021.00071. https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.08384
As the provided examples show, the estimator is superior to the ordinary sample mean X=1/x.size*sum_i x_i for an array with elements x_i and size x.size:
for symmetric heavily tailed distributions, like the T or the Laplace distributions. In 1000 trials, the optimal estimator is better or equal for roughly 647 trial runs and the sample mean is better in just 350 trials.
For standard normal distributions, a few executions of the last example show that the estimator is somewhat equal to the population mean (within the supplied confidence interval delta and apart from numerical floating point imprecisions). In 1000 trial runs, the optimal estimator mean is better or equal than the sample mean in 513 runs and in 484 cases sample mean is equal or better.
Unfortunately, it appeared that for skewed distributions, problems can arise
For the inverse gamma distribution and 1000 mean estimations, the population mean is better or equal than the sample mean in 504 cases, while the optimal mean estimator is better or equal in 493 cases.
It appears that this has something to do with the asymmetry and the correction factor computed in https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.08384
Therefore, the new version automatically checks for the skewness of the distribution and for samples which are skewed it returns the ordinary mean.
The library also has the option to overwrite this behavior. The tolerance how skewed a distribution can be can now be set, additionally,
an own correction factor can be supplied. This may be useful if the distribution formula is known and one can calculate this factor.
Furthermore, the number of bags can be specified if desired, and if the number of elements in the array is a prime that can not be evenly partitioned into bags,
one has the option to trim the array by one element or indeed create one bag for each element.
More trials seem to establish the picture that there is a perhaps numerical problem with skewed distributions.
The implementation consists of a function

it computes the optimal mean estimator for numpy arrays.
it expects a numpy array a, a confidence parameter delta and its other arguments match the behavior of the numpy.mean function whose documentation is given here: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.mean.html
The computed mean estimator is by default a numpy f64 value if the array is of integer type. Otherwise, the result is of the same type as the array, which is also similar as the numpy mean function.
The estimator is computed to fulfill the equation
by default, delta=0.05.
The module also has a function

This function works in the same way as optimal_mean_estimator, but it flattens the arrays that it recieves and also has no optional out parameter. Instead of a matrix, it returns single int, float or complex values.
for arrays in arbitrary shapes:
def mean (a,delta=0.01, axis=None,dtype=None,out=None,keepdims=False,where=None): """ Computes the optimal mean estimator of
J. C. H. Lee and P. Valiant, "Optimal Sub-Gaussian Mean Estimation in R"
2021 IEEE 62nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS),
Denver, CO, USA, 2022, pp. 672-683, doi: 10.1109/FOCS52979.2021.00071.
for numpy arrays.
a: A numpy array whose mean is computed. can by of integer, floating or
complex type and have arbitrary axes.

delta: a float value. The computed estimator fulfills
P(|mu-mean|<epsilon)>=1-delta. The default is 0.001. Note that
the size of the sample must be larger than ln(1/delta).

axis: a tuple defining the axes over which the mean is to be computed,
default isnone

dtype: numpy type of the computed result. Per default, if a is an
integer array, a numpy.f64 is returned, otherwise, unless
specified explicitly, the default return is of the same type
as the array a.
Note that if an int type is specified, float64 values are used
during the computation in order to increase precision.

out: a numpy array that stores the means.
If the result is a matrix out must have the same shape
as the computed result. If the result is a single mean value, the
output is stored in out[0].

keepdims: boolean, the default is false. If set to True, the reduced axes
are left in the result as dimensions with size one and the
result broadcasts against the input array.
where: a boolean numpy array. Elements set to false are discarded from the
skewness_tolerance: a float value, per default 0.988. This is the maximum skewness,
in terms of the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient,
where the optimized mean is computed. If the absolute value of the skewness
of the array exceeds that, then the ordinary mean is returned.
correctionfactor: a float, per default None. If it is None, then the correctionfactor
is given by 1/3*ln(1/bagnumber)
bagnumber: a signed int that should be smaller or equal than the size of a.
if it is none, then the bagnumber is given by ln(1/delta)
if the element number of a is such that it can not by divided equally into bagnumber bags
then the bagnumber used is given by the next largest divisor of the number of elemewnts of a
trimarray_if_prime_elements: a boolean, default is false. If it is true, then if a has n elements,
and n is prime, a random element is removed from a before the bagnumber is computed. Otherwise,
the bagnumber will be the number of elements in the array, which leads to slower computations.

The computed mean estimator is by default a numpy f64 value if the array is of
integer type. Otherwise, the result is of the same type as the array, which is
also similar as the numpy mean function.

The estimator is computed to fulfill the equation


if no type is supplied and the array is integer, output is np.float64,
otherwise it is the array's datatype if no type was supplied. if a type
was supplied the output is that specified datatype
For flattened arrays numpy
def mean_flattened(x, delta=0.05,dtype=None,where=None): """ Computes the optimal mean estimator of

J. C. H. Lee and P. Valiant, "Optimal Sub-Gaussian Mean Estimation in R"
2021 IEEE 62nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS),
Denver, CO, USA, 2022, pp. 672-683, doi: 10.1109/FOCS52979.2021.00071.
for flattened numpy arrays with one axis. It is slightly faster than
optimal_mean_estimator because it does not make computations to determine
the axes of the result.
a: A numpy array whose mean is computed. can by of integer, floating or
complex type and have arbitrary axes.

delta: a float value. The computed estimator fulfills
P(|mu-mean|<epsilon)>=1-delta. The default is 0.001. Note that
the size of the sample must be larger than ln(1/delta).

dtype: numpy type of the computed result. Per default, if a is an
integer array, a numpy.f64 is returned, otherwise, unless
specified explicitly, the default return is of the same type
as the array a.
Note that if an int type is specified, float64 values are used
during the computation as intermediate values,
in order to increase precision of the casted final results.

where: a boolean numpy array. Elements set to false are discarded from the
skewness_tolerance: a float value, per default 0.988. This is the maximum skewness,
in terms of the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient,
where the optimized mean is computed. If the absolute value of the skewness
of the array exceeds that, then the ordinary mean is returned.
correctionfactor: a float, per default None. If it is None, then the correctionfactor
is given by 1/3*ln(1/bagnumber)
bagnumber: a signed int that should be smaller or equal than the size of a.
if it is none, then the bagnumber is given by ln(1/delta)
if the element number of a is such that it can not by divided equally into bagnumber bags
then the bagnumber used is given by the next largest divisor of the number of elemewnts of a
trimarray_if_prime_elements: a boolean, default is false. If it is true, then if a has n elements,
and n is prime, a random element is removed from a before the bagnumber is computed. Otherwise,
the bagnumber will be the number of elements in the array, which leads to slower computations.

Example 1
import numpy as np

import optimal_mean_estimator.optimalmean as ope

x = np.arange(1*2*3*4)







Example 2
import numpy as np

import optimal_mean_estimator.optimalmean as ope

x = np.arange(1*2*3*4)



mask = np.zeros(1*2*3*4)

mask[:3] = 1


mask = np.reshape(x,(1,2,3,4))

mask = mask.astype(bool)





Example 3
import numpy as np

import optimal_mean_estimator.optimalmean as ope

x = np.arange(1*2*3*4)







Example 4
This example shows that the estimator works for heavy tailed distribution like the T or the Laplace distributions.
If executed several times, it also shows that, appart from small numerical floating point problems, for symmetric distributions that are not heavily tailed, the estimator yields similarly good results as the ordinary sample mean.
However, for heavily skewed distributions, like the exponential distributions, the ordinary sample mean seems to perform sometimes better by a small amount.
Therefore, in this new version a check for skewness is included, so that, for skewed distributions, the ordinary mean is returned.
import numpy as np
import random

import optimal_mean_estimator.optimalmean as ope

# needs pip install skewt-scipy
# from skewt_scipy.skewt import skewt










userinput= int(input("""put in 1 for a T distribution with df=3

\n 2 for a normal distribution

\n 3 for a Laplace distribution

\n 4 for an inverse Gamma distribution

\n 5 for an exponential distribution

\n 6 for a Poisson distribution

\n 7 for a skewed t distribution

\n default is 1 \n\n\n"""))


match userinput:

case 1: population = np.random.standard_t(df=3, size=100000)

case 2: population= np.random.standard_normal(size=100000)

case 3: population=np.random.laplace(size=100000)

case 4: population=np.random.gamma(4.0, scale=1.0, size=100000)

case 5: population=np.random.exponential(scale=1.0, size=100000)

case 6: population=np.random.poisson(size=100000)

# case 7: population=skewt.rvs(a=10, df=1, loc=0, scale=1, size=100000, random_state=None)

case _: population = np.random.standard_t(df=3, size=100000)


sample = np.array(random.choices(population, k=1000))





if error1[i]<error2[i]:p=p+1

if error2[i]<=error1[i]:c=c+1


match userinput:

case 1: print("\n\n for a T distribution with df=3 \n")

case 2: print(" 2 for a normal distribution \n")

case 3: print(" 3 for a Laplace distribution \n")

case 4: print(" 4 for an inverse Gamma distribution \n")

case 5: print(" 5 for an exponential distribution \n")
case 6: print(" 6 for a Poisson distribution \n")
# case 7: print(" 7 for a eine skewed t distribution \n")
case _: print(" for a T distribution with df=3 \n ")

print(p," times the sample mean was better than the optimal mean estimator \n",
"\n average squared error to the populationmean ",
np.mean(error1), "\n\n", )

print(c, " times the optimal mean estimator was better or equal than the sample mean\n" ,
"\n average squared error to the populationmean ",

print("mean skewness of the population", np.mean(skewness))


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