oracle-select 0.1.3

Creator: railscoder56

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oracleselect 0.1.3

# Oracle Select
An easy interface for reading from an Oracle database with cx_Oracle.
## To use:
Usage is meant to be simple. Provide your username, password, and host address when you instantiate the DB class. Each select statement opens and closes a new connection. Results are returned as lists of dicts or an empty list if no results are found. For each result, any LOB-like fields are read into strings/bytes for easy handling.

>>> from oracle_select import DB
>>> db = DB(username='your.username', password='password', host='DBNAME.WORLD')
>>> sql = """select * from ps_table"""

### Using bind variables
Bind variables can be passed to the select statement in two ways:
As a dictionary when referencing named sql variables:

>>> sql = """select * from ps_table where emplid = :emplid"""
>>>, binds={'emplid': '12345678'})

Or as a tuple when referencing numeric sql variables:

>>> sql = """select * from ps_table where emplid = :1"""
>>>, binds=('12345678',))

### Fetch One vs. Many vs. All
By default all results will be returned. Sometimes, when the result set is large, this is a bad idea. To limit your result set, modify the fetch parameter. Then the select statement will only return N results.

>>> sql = """select * from ps_table"""
>>>, fetch=10) # fetch first ten results
>>>, fetch=0) # fetch all results (default)

### Fetch Large Datasets with a Generator
Large datasets can be retrieved using the select_iter method:

>>> sql = """select * from ps_large_table"""
>>> for chunk in db.select_iter(sql):
>>> for result in chunk:
>>> print(result)

Results will be returned in chunks of fetch_size. To limit the total number of results, set max_rows. By default chunks of 1,000 records will be returned until the entire result set has been consumed (max_rows = None).
## Utils
The oracle_select.utils module provides some useful tools for working with PeopleSoft, including an interface for polling the process monitor.


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