oracle-utils 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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oracleutils 1.0.0

oracle_utils: local sqlplus query module
Python module to automate the interaction with sqlplus for database scripting. It is designed to connect to a local database instance as defined by the ORACLE_SID environment variable.
The sqlplus program is called once and run in a subprocess so multiple queries can be quickly run. Performance is much better than Bash with cat <<EOF for integrating database data into scripts. The query results are returned in JSON format.
import oracle_utils
import json

sql_session = oracle_utils.sqlplus()
result = sql_session.run_query('select * from dual;')
print(json.dumps(result, indent=4))

You can pass a query to the module if you want to only execute one query and output the results to the terminal:
oracle_utils.sqlplus(query="select * from v$instance;")

This also enables a Bash one-linter to run a quick query:
$ python -c "import oracle_utils; oracle_utils.sqlplus(query='select * from v\$instance;')"


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