orchard-litchi 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

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orchardlitchi 0.1.1

Litchi is yet another coding assistant powered by LLM.
Unlike other programming assistants, litchi supports global indexing across all source files in projects and code-based retrieval augmented generation. It makes features like chat-to-code and code-generation more effective and practical.
Litchi has more features than other coding assistants or copilot plugins because it is integrated with indexes which can be used as standalone tools.

Support indexing source code files for the whole project.
Manager any code index by creating, updating, showing, and searching.
Retrieval augmented generation with source code for user's query.
Addoc chat to code which will retrieval related source files to query LLM.
Generate code based on user's query and related source files.
One step to filter the source files which can be customed for different projects.
Compatible with all large language models like ChatGPT and others.
Compatible with public and private MaaS which can be deployed in local.

Use Cases

Normal chat: chat with LLM without indexes which is useful for general purposes.
Chat with file: use LLM to read and understand a local file.
Chat with files: collect file names in index file and chat with all files.
Generate code for user's query:

Quickly generate python script like port detecting to execute.

Generate code for user's query and source files:

Rewrite the source code in different programming languages.
Generate unit test cases for the source code.

Run commands: generate the script and execute immediately
Write requirements instead of coding: Edit local requirement file and automatically generating code
Optimize code for user's query and source file:

Add annotation for original source code.
Format, refactor or optmize the source code with specified style.
Inplace or ask permission to update the source code with optimized code.
Implement the TODO functions in the source code.

Install the litchi command from PyPI.
pip install orchard-litchi

You can install from source by cloning the repository.
git clone https://github.com/OrchardUniverse/litchi.git
cd ./litchi/
python ./setup.py develop

Initialize the project and generate directory .litchi/. You can input the language as "Chinese" so that it will create index and query in Chinese.

litchi init .

litchi init --language Chinese ,

Go to the project directory and create source file .litchi/source_files.yaml. You can edit .litchi/ignore_rules.yaml to choose the expected source files.
litchi source create

Create the index for single file or all source files in project.
litchi index create $FILE_PATH

litchi index create --all

Show the detail of the index of single file or all indexes.
litchi index show $FILE_PATH

litchi index show --all

You can input a query and get the related indexes.
litchi index query $QUERY

If you want to read the source code with index, use the following commands which will copy the readable index file next to the source file.
litchi index copy-to-source

litchi index delete-from-source


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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