orchester 0.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

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orchester 0.0.4


This is a python set of tools to easily manage membership of users to your preferred cloud services.


Getting started

Google Drive


Getting started
Install the package with pip install orchester
If you want on using the command line interface, you must define some configurations.
Configuration is done through a .orchester.json configuration file.
You can see a documented template here: .orchester-doc.json
The values labeled by [CLI] are only required for the CLI.

Note: An empty template is available here: .orchester.json

The application will attempt to load from this following order:

A specific path defined in the ORCHESTER_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
In the current working directory
In the user folder (home)

Orchester is distributed with a command line tool. Once installed, you can call it with orchest --help
The following commands are available:

orchest -c CONNECTOR_TYPE check IDENTIFIER: Check if the user is registered to the organization
orchest -c CONNECTOR_TYPE add IDENTIFIER Add a user to the organization
orchest -c CONNECTOR_TYPE rm IDENTIFIER: Remove a user from the organization
orchest generate CONNECTOR_TYPE: Generates the OAuth credentials for connector.

If you want to omit the CONNECTOR_TYPE for each command, you can set a default connector in your configuration file:

"default_connector": "trello"

The connector_type must be CONNECTOR name of a valid connector. The connectors are described in the next section.
IDENTIFIER: Use the trello username

Get your API token and secret from https://trello.com/app-key (Look for the Api Key and OAuth secret)
Add the Api Key and OAuth secret in the .orchester.json configuration file in api_key and api_secret.
Run orchest generate trello script to get the credentials
Set the OAuth token and OAuth secret in the configuration file in token and token_secret

IDENTIFIER: Use the github username

To use the Github service, you need an Personal Token.
Go on Github under Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens
Then, create a new token and save it in your configuration file at token.

IDENTIFIER: Use the slack email

To get started with slack, you first need to get a legacy token and a OAuth token.
Legacy token
Simply go to the following url and issue a new legacy token: https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens
You can then add the legacy token in legacy_token.

Note: You'll need to be connected to issue a token.

OAuth token
Before you can actually generate an OAuth token, you'll need to have a Slack application.

How to create an app?: Go to https://api.slack.com/apps and click on Create New App
You must add the following permission scopes: users:read and users:read.email
You will also need to set the following Redirect URI: http://localhost:8888/finish_auth

You can then store the client id and client secret in client_id and client_secret
You are now all setup to generate the final OAuth token.

Run orchest generate slack
Go to: http://localhost:8888/begin_auth
Click on "Add to slack"
Click Authorize
It should show a OAuth token. Save that in the configuration file at token

Warnings: Free Slack users can't use the api to remove a user.

Google Drive
IDENTIFIER: Use the google email
CONNECTOR: g_drive

Before you begin, you'll need a google_drive_credentials.json file at the root of this folder.
You can get it by creating credentials in your Google Console API
Tutorial: Tutorials coming from: https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/quickstart/python
Once you have the credentials.json file, you need to define the credential_path and token_path.
After that, you can run orchest generate g_drive to create the google_drive_token.json.
The API is pretty straight forward. Each connectors inherit from orchester.connectors.AbstractBaseConnector
If you want to use all the connectors at one time, you can use the orchester.ConnectorManager
The manager instantiate all the connectors and let you easily interact with the connector one at a time.
Here's an example to use the github connector:
from orchester.connectors import GithubConnector, RequestFailedError

connector = GithubConnector(access_token="my token...",organization_id='myOrg')

user_exist = connector.is_registered_to_group('popojargo')
print('User is registered to myOrg')
except RequestFailedError:
print('The request failed.')

print('User removed to myOrg')

except RequestFailedError:
print('The request failed.')

user_exist = connector.add_to_group('popojargo')
print('User added to myOrg')

except RequestFailedError:
print('The request failed.')

For developer documentation, see README-DEV.md


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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