ordenley 0.2.1dev

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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ordenley 0.2.1dev

Desktop program to manage lawyer’s office
This project has been made to allow mainly new lawyers who wants to start her law office,
who want have an alternative base on open source to manage their’s clients,
appointments and files.

Programa de escritorio destinado a la organización de despachos de abogados
Está orientado a cualquier abogado o despacho de abogados que quiera montar su propio
despacho pueda tener una aplicación para la gestión de su despacho, basado en software
libre y no viendose obligado a usar soluciones profesionales que aunque puedan ser más
completas impliquen un gasto inicial muy elevado.

Author: Oscar Ramirez Jimenez
Email: tuxskar<at>gmail.com

Installation on Linux
Using PyPI:
$> pip install ordenley

Alternative installation
As normal python application:
$> python setup.py install

As the program script is stored into bin you can run it using:
> ordenley

Actual version 0.2.1dev Alpha
This is an improved version and let you manage more complex clients and many to many address and clients


Insert/Modify/Delete clients
Insert/Modify/Delete address
Installation easy from PyPI using “pip install ordenley”
Identifiers for clients and address using id
No force to use not empty DNI for clients
Many clients could same address or more than one each one (many to many relation)


from 0.1.7dev

Clients now could have address
Clients identifiers by Id instead of by DNI
New client_view GUI with address
Reimplemented almos from scratch the code
Better structure to add more features as modules
New menu in main_view to add and delete client

From 0.1.6dev

Renamed package test to tests to run the binary
Fixed main_window plot


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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