org-djangokit-cli 0.0.7

Creator: railscoder56

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orgdjangokitcli 0.0.7

DjangoKit CLI

NOTE: DjangoKit is a full stack Django+React framework. See for more information.

This package provides the DjangoKit command line interface. When it's
installed, it will install the djangokit console script.
To see a list of commands, run djangokit without any arguments (or use
the dk alias as shown here):

To run a Django management command:
dk manage <args>

Configuring the CLI
The DjangoKit CLI can be configured via options passed to the
djangokit base command or settings added to your project's settings
file(s) in the [djangokit.cli] section. Using a settings file is
useful when you want to change a default permanently.

--env / env: Specify the default environment to run commands in.

--settings-module / django_settings_module: Specify the Django
settings module.

--additional-settings-module / django_additional_settings_module:
Specify an additional Django settings module that will be loaded
after (and override) the base settings module.

--settings-file / django_settings_file: Path to settings file.
This will be derived from ENV if not specified.

--typescript / use_typescript: Since using TypeScript is the
default, you can use this to disable TypeScript. This will affect how
files are generated, for example (e.g. when using dk add-page).

--quiet / quiet: Squelch stdout.


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