oris 0.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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oris 0.0.1

ORIS for Python
This is a library for the analysis of discrete-event models governed
by integer variables and continuous timers:

Variables hold positive or negative integers. They represent the
observable state of the system. For example, the variable queue
could store the current number of customers.

Timers track the continuous time to events that change state

A timer is enabled if its guard is satisfied. In the queue
example, the service timer is enabled when queue > 0.

The value of the timer is sampled according to a probability
distribution; for example, Unif(1, 2) samples a random value
between 1 and 2.

When the timer elapses, it can trigger a change in the state
variables, for example, queue = queue-1 after service. This
change can start other timers (because their guards are now
satisfied) or disable them (the guards are not satisfied

The example of a single-server queue with capacity of 200, Poisson
arrivals (exponential interarrival times) and uniform service times
looks like this:
from oris import *

b = ModelBuilder()

# for each variable: name, initial value, min, max (defaults: 0, 0, 'inf')
b.var('queue', 1, 0, 200)

# for each timer: name, guard, distribution, state update
b.timer('arrival', 'True', Exp(0.5), 'queue=min(queue+1, max_value(queue))')
b.timer('service', 'queue>0', Unif(1, 2), 'queue-=1')

m = b.build()

Once you have a model, you can

analyze its state space (e.g., can you reach a goal state within time 10?)
use simulation to evaluate rewards (e.g., average number of customers in the queue)

Learn more in the manual.
How to Install
To install ORIS: pip3.7 install oris --user --upgrade (you need Python 3.7)
To have a working Python 3.7 environment on Linux, macOS, or Windows,
we recommend using miniconda and Jupyter notebooks:

Linux and macOS
curl -O https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p $HOME/.miniconda
$HOME/.miniconda/condabin/conda init bash

For macOS, replace Linux with MacOSX in the first two commands.
If you are using macOS Catalina, replace bash with zsh.

Windows: run the miniconda installer selecting "Add Anaconda to
my PATH".

Now you can create an environment for ORIS:
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
conda create -y -n oris python=3.7 scipy matplotlib numba jupyter
conda activate oris
pip install oris

Every time you want to use ORIS, you can run:
conda activate oris
jupyter notebook

If you'd like to avoid installing anything at all: Just use ORIS
inside Google Colaboratory. The only thing you need is:
!pip3 install oris

at the beginning of your notebook.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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