ormedian-utils 0.2.2

Creator: railscoder56

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ormedianutils 0.2.2

requires >= Python 3.6
This package contains the following utilities
🚀Frame Saver - save frames from video, folders containing videos or camera feed/livefeed.
🚀Image Resizer - Resize image while retaining the quality
🚀File mover - move specific file types from thousands/myriads of files.
More utility functions to be added subsequently.
I hope you find this package useful
To install:
pip3 install ormedian-utils

FRAME SAVER collect_frames()

Save frames from video, camera feed, video folder containing multiple videos.
collect_frames(num, video_format='mp4', image_name='frame', image_format='jpg', view=True)

num: could be camera id, path to video, or a folder contain a number of videos
video_format: format of output video if saving video, default format is set to mp4
image_name: name of frame files, numbers will be appended at the back in the form of frames_1, frames_2...frames_n, could be changed to wheveter you want
image_format: extension of image/frames to be saved, default format is 'jpg', could be any image format, e.g 'png', 'bmp' etc
This package has 3 methods:


for saving frames from camera feed
from ormedian_utils import collect_frames
camera_id =0
frames = collect_frames(camera_id)
frames.camera(camera_id, save_video=True)

save_video=True saves video from camera feed into the same folder as the collected frames. You may set save_video to False to not save video.


for saving frames from videos in a folder(s)
from ormedian_utils import collect_frames
video_folder_path ='path/to/foldercontaining/videos
frames = collect_frames(video_folder_path)
Image_folder = 'Image Folder'
frames.videofolder(video_folder_path, Image_folder=Image_folder)

Image_folder: Where Frames will be saved. defaults to Image Folder unless otherwise changed
A new folder will be created for each video, and corresponding frames will be saved in this folder.


for saving frames from a single video file
from ormedian_utils import collect_frames
video_path = 'path/to/a/singlevideo'
frames = collect_frames(video_path)

IMAGE RESIZER image_resizer()

Resize images in a folder or in multiple folders
image_resizer (new_size: tuple,
image_path: str,
n_f=True, new_folder='ResizedImages',
view=True, multiple_folders=False):

new_size: expected New Image size e.g (224, 224)
image_path: '/path/to/where/images/are
n_f: set to True if resized images be saved in new_folder, set to True by default
NOTE: if resizing multiple folders (multiple_folders=True) and n_f is set True
This will create a separate folder for each folder (Parent_folder of image_path/ResizedImages/subfolders) in the parent directory of image_path.
Setting n_f to False when resizing multiple_folders will override the existing image_path and overwrite the images in the subfolders.
new_folder: Name of new folder to save resized images, accepts strings, default value is set to 'ResizedImages'
view: default value is set to True, this would display window showing resized images
multiple_folders: Set to True if image_path contains more than one image folder, default is False
from ormedian_utils import image_resizer

new_size = (100, 100)
images_folder = '/path/to/images/folder'
quality =100

In this case images_folder contains multiple image folders. Hence we set multiple_folders to True below.
quality, multiple_folders=True)

FILE MOVER filemover()

Move files from one folder to another
filemover(folder_path: str, file_ext: str, new_folder: str)
folder_path: path to files, e.g /path/to/folder/files/
file_ext: file extension of files to move e.g 'json'
new_folder: folder name of where to move files to, creates directory in parent directory if it does not already exist
from ormedian_utils import filemover

folder_path = /path/to/different/files #contains json, csv, jpg, and docs files
file_ext = 'json'
new_folder = 'MovedFiles'

filemover(folder_path, file_ext, new_folder)


Image Converter
Video Converter
Audio Parser


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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