orpytal 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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orpytal 0.1.0

OrPytal is an Python package for orbital mechanics. It began as a pet project to find a way to easily create two-body orbits and states, without needing a particular set of parameters. For example, what if you wanted to know what an orbit would look like with a particular radius of apoapsis and specific energy? How about semilatus rectum and eccentricity? OrPytal makes these problems trivial and syntactically easy.
Very incomplete documentation can be found here
A quick example
The following examle shows just how easy it is to create orbits and states using OrPytal
import orpytal as op

orbit = op.Orbit(op.bodies.saturn)
orbit.p = 41000 * op.units.miles
orbit.e = 0.9

# Alternatively op.Orbit(op.bodies.saturn, p=41000*op.units.miles, e=0.9)

example_state = orbit.get_state(t_since_rp=orbit.period/2)


The resulting output is
Keplarian State Data
Meta Information
Orbit Name: .................
State Name: .................
Central Body: Saturn
Type: Elliptic
Equitorial: .................
Ascending: True
State Parameters
Pos. Mag. |r|: 6.5983104000e+05 km | True Anomaly: 3.1415926536e+00 rad |
Vel. Mag. |v|: 2.3976288910e+00 km/s | Eccentric Anomaly: 3.1415926536e+00 rad |
Flight Path Angle: 0.0000000000e+00 rad | Mean Anomaly: 3.1415926536e+00 rad |
Flight Path Angle: 0.0000000000e+00 rad | Hyperb. Anomaly: ................. .......... |
Time Since Peri.: 1.0439272879e+05 s | Arg. of Latitude: ................. .......... |
Perifocal Frame
Position: ................. .......... | Velocity: ................. .......... |
e: -6.5983104000e+05 km | e: -2.9362485470e-15 km/s |
p: 8.0805997111e-11 km | p: -2.3976288910e+00 km/s |
h: 0.0000000000e+00 km | h: 0.0000000000e+00 km/s |
Orbit Parameters
Eccentricity: 9.0000000000e-01 nd | Inclination: ................. .......... |
Semimajor Axis: 3.4727949474e+05 km | Ascending Node: ................. .......... |
Semiminor Axis: 1.5137562227e+05 km | Arg of Periapsis: ................. .......... |
Rad. Periapsis: 3.4727949474e+04 km | Rad. Apoapsis: 6.5983104000e+05 km |
Semilatus Rectum: 6.5983104000e+04 km | Angular Momentum: 1.5820299647e+06 km^2/s |
Mean Motion: 3.0093979629e-05 rad/s | Orbital Period: 2.0878545758e+05 s |
Specific Energy: -5.4611930842e+01 km^2/s^2 | Flyby Angle: ................. .......... |
V Infinity: ................. .......... | TA Infinity: ................. .......... |


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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