os-scrapy-rq-crawler 0.0.12

Creator: railscoder56

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osscrapyrqcrawler 0.0.12


This project provide Crawler for RQ mode. Based on Scrapy 2.0+, require Python 3.6+
The Scrapy framework is used for crawling specific sites. It is not good for "Broad Crawls". The Scrapy built-in schedule mechanism is not for many domains, it use one channel queue for requests of all different domains. The scheduler can not decide to crawl request of the specified domain.
The RQ mode is the key mechanism/concept for broad crawls. The key point is RQ(request queue), actually it is a banch of queues, requests of different domains in the different sub-queues.
Deploy with the os-rq-pod and os-rq-hub you can build a large scalable distributed "Broad Crawls" system.
Quick Start
We offer Crawler for RQ mode. Because the Scrapy framework can not custom Crawler class, so you can use os-scrapy(installed with this project) to start crawling.

pip install os-scrapy-rq-crawler

start your project
os-scrapy startproject <your_project>

set Crawler class and enable asyncio reactor in project setting.py
CRAWLER_CLASS = "os_scrapy_rq_crawler.asyncio.Crawler"
TWISTED_REACTOR = "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor"

start crawling example spider
os-scrapy crawl example

pip install os-scrapy-rq-crawler

When you already installed os-scrapy, you can run example spider directly in this project root path
os-scrapy crawl example

This project offer Crawler class can be used in your project by config in settings.py file. And it can also be used as a scrapy project directly.
Crawler Class
This project provide Crawler to enable RQ mode. The Scrapy framework can not config Crawler class, so you can use os-scrapy to specify

in the settings.py
CRAWLER_CLASS = "os_scrapy_rq_crawler.asyncio.Crawler"

or with -c command line option
os-scrapy crawl -c os_scrapy_rq_crawler.asyncio.Crawler example

Because the Crawler deponds on asyncio reactor, so you need to enable it

in the settings.py
TWISTED_REACTOR = "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor"

or with -r command line option
os-scrapy crawl -r asyncio example

Request Queue
RQ is just a conception can be implements in different ways.

config in the settings.py file
SCHEDULER_REQUEST_QUEUE = "os_scrapy_rq_crawler.AsyncRequestQueue"


the default requet queue
all requests in memory
the spider closed when no requests in the queue and spider is idle


can be used with os-rq-pod or os-rq-hub as external request queue

the spider will not closed even if no requests to crawl

config the pod/hub http api in the settings.py
RQ_API = "http://localhost:6789/api/"

config the api timeout


same as os_scrapy_rq_crawler.AsyncRequestQueue, can configure multi upstreams request queues

config the pod/hub http apis in the settings.py
RQ_API = ["http://server01:6789/api/", "http://server02:6789/api/"]

Our RQ mode Crawler is a substitute of the Scrapy built-in Crawler. Most of the Scrapy functionalities(middleware/extension) can also be used as normal.
There are some tips:

the request queue is fifo, priority is not supported yet
the requests come from downloader middlewares will push to the head of the request queue
the request of the same domain will not crawl concurrently, CONCURRENT_REQUESTS control the max concurrency and DOWNLOAD_DELAY control the download dely
you can set request delay: request.meta["download_delay"] = 3.0

Unit Tests
sh scripts/test.sh

MIT licensed.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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