oscilloscope-scripts-xzf8971 1.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

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oscilloscopescriptsxzf8971 1.2.0

Oscilloscope scripts
This project contains interface to help you collect waveform data from osilloscope. TekTronix TBS2000B is supported now. If you prefer old version follow the course slides. Please check here: https://github.com/xzf89718/oscilloscope_scripts/tree/v7.2 and https://github.com/xzf89718/oscilloscope_scripts/releases/tag/v7.2
Getting started
Setup python and NI-VISA
For Windows
Python 3.8:
For Linux/Mac OS
Please install libserial libusb pyserial pyusb and install pure python base pyvisa-py
Install package with pip
pip install oscilloscope-scripts-xzf8971

Install package from github with pip
pip install git+https://github.com/xzf89718/oscilloscope_scripts

Get source code from github:
git clone git@github.com:xzf89718/oscilloscope_scripts.git

The commands here aim to setup package for python
pip install -U virtualenv
virtualenv -p 3.8 ~/pyvisa_3d8

How to use this package
Every Login
cd ~/pyvisa_3d8/Scripts

Use Tektronix_TBS2000B_scripts for TBS2000B DAQ
Batch mode
python -m Tektronix_TBS2000B_scripts this_is_an_example --n_save_waveforms 5 --save_channels CH1,CH2 --output_dir output_dir --scope_name auto --mode batch
# On macOS or linux
# python -m Tektronix_TBS2000B_scripts this_is_an_example --n_save_waveforms 5 --save_channels CH1,CH2 --output_dir output_dir --scope_name auto --mode batch --backend pyvisa-py

Interactive mode (for debug)
python -m Tektronix_TBS2000B_scripts this_is_an_example --n_save_waveforms 5 --save_channels CH1,CH2 --output_dir output_dir --scope_name auto --mode inter
# On macOS or linux
# python -m Tektronix_TBS2000B_scripts this_is_an_example --n_save_waveforms 5 --save_channels CH1,CH2 --output_dir output_dir --scope_name auto --mode inter --backend pyvisa-py
Enter your scope_name, also provide "default" and "auto" for quick setup

If the setup is correct, you will got a plot contain waveforms from CH1 and CH2
Get some help
python xxx.py --help

Read the comments on the begin of each scripts
Other materials
In order to use the root scripts, you need ROOT and pyroot setup. Get Ubuntu20.04 VM with ROOT here: https://box.nju.edu.cn/d/045506afb0f347b78806/
How to build your own ROOT release on Ubuntu20.04: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44121665/article/details/102637844?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502
Data collected by me, without proper Impedance matching: https://box.nju.edu.cn/d/8c35131d91e846c4ada6/
Contact me
Author: Zifeng XU


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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