osin 2.2.3

Creator: railscoder56

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osin 2.2.3

osin ยท
There are existing systems (e.g., neptune.ai, sacred) helping you organize, log data of your experiments. However, typically, the tasks of running the experiments are your responsible to bear. If you update your code and need to re-run your experiments, you may want to delete previous runs, which would be painful to have to do manually many times.
We rethink the experimenting process. Why don't we start with specifying the designed report (e.g., charts) and how to run/query to get the numbers to fill the report? This would free ones from manually starting/running the experiments and managing the experiment data. osin is a tool that helps you to achieve that goal.
Note: this tool is expected to use locally or inside VPN network as it doesn't provide any protection against attackers.
Quick start
Start the application:
DBFILE=%PATH_TO_DBFILE% python -m osin.main

Or start the services manually:
python -m osin.worker # start worker to run jobs
python -m osin.server # start the server so clients can send job result
streamlit run osin/ui/dashboard.py # start a dashboard to view/create reports

You will start by designing the output that your experiments will produce. For example:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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