ossFileField 1.0.5

Creator: railscoder56

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ossFileField 1.0.5

Django OSS File Field
django-oss-file-field provides a Django Direct File Transfer From Server.


Django Direct File Transfer From Server to OSS
Flexible File Size/Type Limitation
Progress Bar Display
Works in Python 3



$ pip install ossFileField

Add 'ossFileField' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting

Authentication settings
Use the following settings to authenticate with AliCloud OSS.
# AliCloud Access Key ID
OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = <Your Access Key ID>

# AliCloud Access Key Secret
OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = <Your Access Key Secret>

# OSS Bucket Name
OSS_BUCKET_NAME = <Your OSS Bucket name>

# AliCloud Bucket Host format: http://bucket_name.endpoint eg: http://test.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
OSS_BUCKET_HOST = <Your Oss Bucket Host>

# AliCloud Token Expire Time
OSS_EXPIRE_TIME = <Token Expire Time>

# Get OSS Token Routing
OSS_TOKEN_ROUTE = <Get OSS Token Route>

# Oss Bucket Proxy URL
OSS_PROXY_URL = <OSS Bucket Proxy URL>

# Server URL
SERVER_URL = <Your App Server Domain URL>

# Upload To Oss Dir(end of slash)
UPLOAD_DIR = <Upload OSS Dir>

Get OSS Token
Register the route in the url file to get the token
# urls.py
from django.conf.urls import url

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
url(r'^get_oss_token$', views.get_oss_token, name='get_oss_token'),
# views.py
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from ossFileField.utils import OssToken

def get_oss_token(request):
oss_token = OssToken.get_oss_key()
return HttpResponse(oss_token)

models.py import OssFileField
# models.py
from ossFileField import OssFileField

class Images(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=False)
oss_file = OssFileField(prefix='test/', file_type='image', max_file_size='20m', blank=False)


Support models prefix attribute((end of slash))
Support limit uploaded file size
The uploaded file name includes the file origin name and file size


Support public bucket
Support file name with spaces


Support chinese file name


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