osu-data 0.2.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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osudata 0.2.2

osu! Data on Docker
pip install osu-data; osu-data -m mania -v top_1000 -ymd YYYY_MM_DD
Docker must be installed and running on your machine.
Retrieves database data from https://data.ppy.sh/ and hosts it on a local MySQL
Optionally, store all ranked/loved .osu files in a service with the -f tag.
Get Started
IMPORTANT: MySQL data persists across runs.
Recreate the MySQL Service if you changed the data used.

Install via pip pip install osu-data

Minimally, specify:

-m, --mode:
The game mode to build the database with. osu, taiko, catch
or mania
-v, --version:
The database version. top_1000, top_10000 or random_10000

Optionally, specify:

-ymd, --year_month_day:
The year, month, day of the database in the format YYYY_MM_DD
-p, --port:
The port to expose MySQL on. Default is 3308
-f, --files:
Whether to download .osu files.
-np, --nginx-port:
The port to expose the nginx service on. Default is 8080.
Not used if -f is not specified.
See below table, these are optional flags to include or exclude more
data. By specifying the flag, will INVERT the default value.

Default Value













These options are chosen to be the most useful for analysis, and performance.
osu-data \
-m osu -v top_1000 -ymd 2023_08_01 -p 3308 -f \

Download the top 1000 osu! standard beatmaps
from 1st August 2023
expose MySQL on port 3308
download .osu files
include beatmap difficulty data

Connect on:

localhost:<NGINX_PORT> (if -f is specified)

Common Issues

Docker daemon is not running. Make sure that Docker is installed and
running. If you're using Docker Desktop, make sure it's actually started.
MySQL Data isn't incorrect. A few reasons

Import was abruptly stopped. This can cause some .sql files to be
missing / incomplete. Delete the whole compose project and try again.
Didn't specify the optional flags to include files. By default, some
.sql files are not loaded. Take a look at osu-data -h and specify the
optional flags to include them.
Data is outdated. By default, on every re-run of osu-data, the data
preserved. To update the data, you must delete the whole compose project
and try again.

wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found. This happens when
you try to pull a YYYY_MM_DD that doesn't exist, and happens often when the
data isn't yet ready on the start of each month.
Check on https://data.ppy.sh/ to see which YYYY_MM_DD are available.
rm: can't remove '../osu.mysql.init/*': This is safe to ignore.
MySQL Credentials. By default, the MySQL doesn't have a password, so just
use root as the username and leave the password blank.
No files service. This is default, files service is optional and
must be activated with the -f tag. osu-data -h for more info.

The database is tuned to be fast in importing speed, thus shouldn't be used for
production. Notably, we set innodb_doublewrite = 0 which can compromise
data integrity in the event of a crash. If you want to use this for production,
we recommend to set this up from this Git repo, and tweak mysql.cnf.
Important Matters

Do not distribute the built images as per peppy's request.
Instead, you can just share the code to build your image, which should yield
the same result.
This database is meant to be for analysis, it's not tuned for production.
Tweak mysql.cnf after importing
for more MySQL customizations.
Finally, be mindful on conclusions you make from the data.



Allowed wider range of Python versions 3.9 ~ 4.0.


Added GitHub Actions to automatically create dataset on workflow dispatch.
Year, Month specification is now Year, Month, Day because some data dumps
don't fall exactly on day 1.

-ym -> -ymd, --year-month -> --year-month-day
Default of -ymd is removed to encourage users to check source of data.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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