outdoorsy 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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outdoorsy 1.0.0

Outdoorsy Command-Line Tool
A demo command line tool for displaying information from a comma or pipe delimited file.

Use as command-line tool interactively or by passing arguments
Creates a local SQL Lite Database for storing files
Database is created from the running directory or optionally a specified flag
View database in a table format from the command-line
Sort by "Name" or "Vehicle Type" columns (from sample files)

Grab a copy of the code with pip:
pip install outdoorsy

outdoorsy can be used to extract info from a Comma or Pipe delimited file in two ways:

Command line/Terminal tool ran interactively outdoorsy
Command line/Terminal tool ran with arguments outdoorsy -h

1. Command Line/Terminal tool

Run outdoorsy -h to see the help output:
outdoorsy -h

usage: outdoorsy [-h] [-f FILE] [-d {comma,pipe}] [-db DBPATH] [-v] [-s {name,vehicle_type}] [--version]

Outdoorsy Command Line tool for displaying Outdoorsy user information.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit

options - Upload a new file.:
-f FILE, --file FILE Full path to file
-d {comma,pipe}, --delimiter {comma,pipe}
File's delimiter
-db DBPATH, --dbpath DBPATH
Path to create database. Defaults to current directory

options - View and Sort data:
-v, --view View the Outdoorsy Customer Table.
-s {name,vehicle_type}, --sort {name,vehicle_type}
Sort the database table by the Outdoorsy Customer's Fullname or Vehicle Type

Upload CSV file to database
outdoorsy -f C:\folder\file.csv -d comma

Upload Pipe delimited file to database
outdoorsy -f C:\folder\pipes.text -d pipe

Upload Pipe delimited file to database created at specified path
outdoorsy -f C:\folder\pipes.text -d pipe -db C:\database\

View data that has previously been uploaded to the database
outdoorsy -v

View data that has previously been uploaded to the database at specified path
outdoorsy -v -db C:\database\

View data sorted by Vehicle Type
outdoorsy -v -s vehicle_type

View data sorted by name
outdoorsy -v -s name

Future Enhancements

Update --dbpath argument to --dbdir to make it clear the user needs to specify the directory
Add additional tests
Add logic to handle duplicate database entries
Add the ability to sort by any column
Depending on customer needs, add support for different headers and file types (outside of comma or pipe delimited)
Convert to click library (currently using argparse)
Build CI/CD pipeline for releases using GitHub Actions
Optimize the logic for argparse and interactive menu so that it's more efficient and avoid duplicates in code
Move the default used for db_path from the database functions to the argparse argument.
This would allow efficiency gains in argparse and when running interactively since a dbpath would always be specified

This program is licensed with an MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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