outliers-navkiran 1.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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outliersnavkiran 1.1.0

Library for removing outliers from pandas dataframe
PROJECT 2, UCS633 - Data Analysis and Visualization
Navkiran Singh
Roll number: 101703365

Update in 1.1.0 - command line script method changed, supports calling from both windows and linux terminal
Takes two inputs - filename of input csv, intended filename of output csv.
Two optional arguments - which must be provided together or left out.
Third argument is threshold, by default it's 1.5. Fourth argument is method - z_score or IQR.
Output is the number of rows removed from the input dataset. Resulting csv is saved as output.csv.
pip install outliers_navkiran
Recommended - test in a virtual environment.
Use via command line
outliers_navkiran_cli in.csv out.csv
Defaults are 1.5 threshold and IQR.
When providing custom threshold and method:
outliers_navkiran_cli in.csv out.csv 3 z_score
outliers_navkiran_cli in.csv out.csv 3 IQR
First argument after outcli is the input csv filename from which the dataset is extracted. The second argument is for storing the final dataset after processing.
Use in .py script
from outliers_navkiran import remove_outliers_z,remove_outliers_iqr
# for using z-score
remove_outliers_z('input.csv', 'output.csv',1.5)
# for using IQR
remove_outliers_iqr('input.csv', 'output.csv',1.5)


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