outlookutility 1.4

Creator: railscoder56

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outlookutility 1.4

Outlook Msg Automation functions
display_email: Display draft of email
def display_email(message: str, subject: str, to_list: str, cc_list: str):
:param message: HTML String with Email message contained. See Examples/Email_Strings.py
:param subject: Subject String
:param to_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)
:param cc_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)

Example Call
from outlookutility import display_email
test_html = f"""
Package Testing Email

"PyPi Test",
"a@abc.com; b@abc.com;",

display_email_with_attachments: Display draft of email with attachments. Can send any number/type of attachments in email.
def display_email_with_attachments(message: str, subject: str, to_list: str, cc_list: str, *args):
:param message: HTML String with Email message contained. See Examples/Email_Body.html.
:param subject: Subject String
:param to_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)
:param cc_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)
:param args: Optional attachment arguments, pass as raw file path or stringified file path.

Example Call
from outlookutility import display_email_with_attachments
test_html = f"""
Package testing email with attachments

"PyPi Test",
"a@abc.com; b@abc.com;",

email_without_attachment: Send email without attachments.
def email_without_attachment(message: str, subject: str, to_list: str, cc_list: str):
:param message: HTML String with Email message contained. See Examples/Email_Strings.py
:param subject: Subject String
:param to_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)
:param cc_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)

Example Call
from outlookutility import email_without_attachment
test_html = f"""
Package Testing Email

"PyPi Test",
"a@abc.com; b@abc.com;",

email_with_attachments: Send email with attachments. Can send any number/type of attachments in email.
def email_with_attachments(message: str, subject: str, to_list: str, cc_list: str, *args):
:param message: HTML String with Email message contained. See Examples/Email_Body.html.
:param subject: Subject String
:param to_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)
:param cc_list: Semicolon separated list of email addresses. (ex - a@abc.com; b@abc.com; c@abc.com;)
:param args: Optional attachment arguments, pass as raw file path or stringified file path.

Example Call
from outlookutility import email_with_attachments
test_html = f"""
Package testing email with attachments

"PyPi Test",
"a@abc.com; b@abc.com;",

notify_error: Automated email report for use in exception catch.
def notify_error(report_name, error_log, to_list: str):

:param to_list: List of emails to receive notification.
:param report_name: Name of automated report.
:param error_log: Raised exception or other error to report.

Example Call
from outlookutility import notify_error
import os
def foo():
raise Exception('Error!')
except Exception as e:
notify_error(f"{os.path.basename(__file__)}", e, "a@email.com")

default_table_style : Apply formatting to Pandas dataframe for use in email
def default_table_style(df, index: False):
""" Apply a default clean table style to pandas df.to_html() for use in email strings.

:param index: Determines whether you want index displayed in the HTML. Defaults to False.
:type index: Boolean
:param df: Dataframe to apply the style to.
:type df: Pandas Dataframe
:return: HTML string for insertion in email.
:rtype: string

Example Call
from outlookutility import default_table_style
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(15, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
test_message = f"""
Email Text Here

multi_table_style : Apply formatting to multiple Pandas dataframes for use in email
def multi_table_style(df_list, index: False):
""" Apply a default clean table style to pandas df.to_html() for use in email strings.
This version returns multiple tables stacked on top of each other with a line break inbetween.

:param index: Determines whether you want index displayed in the HTML. Defaults to False.
:type index: Boolean
:param df_list: List of dataframes to return in html format.
:type df: Pandas Dataframe
:return: HTML string for insertion in email.
:rtype: string

Example Call
from outlookutility import multi_table_style
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(15, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
df_list = [df,df]
formatted_tables = multi_table_style(df_list,index=False)
test_message = f"""
Email Text Here


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