oven-cli 1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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ovencli 1.0

Yet another static site generator powered by markdown, because I didn't like the other stuff
It tries to follow the K.I.S.S principle.
For now there is no python package that can be installed. Use repository instead.
Site configuration
Oven loads configuration from oven.json file. All the options are optional. Config is provided to every jinja2 template as config object.
Configured directories unless specified otherwise will be used relative to CWD.
Specifies directory with site source files.
Specifies directory of the built site output.
Specifies subdirectory inside build_dir that will contain all the static assets.
Specifies directory with jinja2 templates.
Specifies default template used with pages that don't override this themselves.
Specifies directory with .po files containing translations.
Specifies main (default) language for the site.
Specifies all languages in which the site should be translated (should include the main as well)
Specifies directory with custom filters (see below).
Specifies enabled filters. If empty all found filters will be enabled.
Specifies directory with custom scripts (see below).
Specifies enabled scripts. If empty all found scripts will be enabled.
Specifies directory with custom markdown extensions (see below).
Specifies enabled extensions. If empty all found extensions will be enabled.
Specifies url for the site.
Specifies timezone used for the site.
Page configuration
Every page can be additionally configured by providing config.json file in its directory.
Overrides template file used for the page
Overrides output directory of the page (by default it will be the same as source).
python -m oven gather

python -m oven build

Oven iterates over directories in source_dir. Every page should have its own, separate folder containing .md files and optional context.json and config.json files.
Each .md file will be passed to template as a context variable, named like the file.
Oven has built-in translation features. It uses .po files. You can update them with gather, which gathers texts from .md files and all templates.
For now there is no support for localized assets.
Custom jinja2 filters can be defined in the filters_dir folder. Every filter should be a separate python file
that defines the filter function named custom_filter and a variable containing the name of the filter named FILTER_NAME.
List of internally shipped filters:

get_text - provides integration with oven translation both during gather and build.
get_url - provides integration with resolving urls for oven pages and static files.

This is an example custom filter from oven/internal_scripts/curent_time.py file.
from typing import Optional

from oven.trans import Translator

FILTER_NAME = 'gettext'

def custom_filter(msgid: str, msgstr: Optional[str] = '', lang: Optional[str] = 'en') -> str:
trans = Translator()

if trans.config.is_gather_config():
trans.add_text(msgid, msgstr)
return ''
return trans.get_text(msgid, lang)

You can define custom markdown extensions in the extensions_dir folder. Additional extension names, not found by the oven system, will be passed directly.
List of internally shipped extensions:

oven_urls - Extension replaces non-absolute urls with jinja2 filter get_url that handles resolving them.

This is an example extension in the oven/internal_extensions/oven_urls.py file that changes urls into custom resolved ones.
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

from markdown import Markdown, Extension
from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor

class OvenURLsProcessor(Treeprocessor):
def run(self, root: etree):

def __update_links(self, node: etree.Element):
if node.attrib.get('href'):
url = urlparse(node.attrib['href'])
if not url.netloc:
node.attrib['href'] = '{{ ' + f'\'{node.attrib["href"]}\' | geturl(lang)' + ' }}'
elif node.attrib.get('src'):
url = urlparse(node.attrib['src'])
if not url.netloc:
node.attrib['src'] = '{{ ' + f'\'{node.attrib["src"]}__asset\' | geturl(lang)' + ' }}'
for child in node:

class OvenURLsExtension(Extension):
def extendMarkdown(self, md: Markdown) -> None:
md.treeprocessors.register(OvenURLsProcessor(md), EXTENSION_NAME, 1)

def makeExtension(**kwargs):
return OvenURLsExtension(**kwargs)

EXTENSION_NAME = "oven_urls"

You can define scripts in the script_dir folder, that will be automatically detected.
For now, they are executed before/after the site is generated, but I have an idea of creating markings for different
pipeline stages that scripts could register themselves in.
In config file you can specify custom script configuration, that will be passed to execute_script function as **kwargs:
"scripts_config": {
"robots.txt": {
"output_file": "robots.txt"
"sitemap.xml": {
"ignore_paths": [
"clean": {
"ignore_paths": [
"archive": {
"ignore_paths": [
"generate_zip": true,
"zip_dir": "_archive",
"generate_raw": true,
"raw_dir": "_archive"
"assets": {
"ignore_paths": [
"types": [

List of internally shipped extensions:

archive - script that creates archives of built page, either as .zip files or as accessible in build_dir raw copies.
assets - scripts that gathers and copies static files into the build_dir.
clean - script that performs cleaning before building the site.
robots.txt - script creates robots.txt file after build is complete.
sitemap.xml - script creates sitemap.xml file after build is complete.

This is an example script in the oven/internal_scripts/sitemap.py file. It generates sitemap.xml file after the
site has been generated.
import logging
from typing import List
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

import pytz

from oven.utils import EOvenScriptExecTime
from oven.config import Config

SCRIPT_NAME = 'sitemap.xml'

def parse_date(date: datetime, timezone: str) -> str:
tz = pytz.timezone(timezone)
return str(tz.localize(date))

def build_sitemap(path: Path, ignore_paths: List[str], url: str, timezone: str) -> ET.ElementTree:
sitemap = ET.Element('urlset', xmlns='https://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9')

def transform_ignore_path(ignore_path: str) -> Path:
return path / ignore_path
ignore_paths = list(map(transform_ignore_path, ignore_paths))

def iter_build_sitemap(current_dir: Path):
for entry in current_dir.iterdir():
if entry in ignore_paths:
elif entry.is_dir():
elif entry.is_file():
file_url = str(entry).replace(str(path), url)

url_element = ET.SubElement(sitemap, 'url')
loc_element = ET.SubElement(url_element, 'loc')
loc_element.text = file_url
lastmod_element = ET.SubElement(url_element, 'lastmod')
lastmod_element.text = parse_date(datetime.fromtimestamp(entry.stat().st_mtime), timezone)

tree = ET.ElementTree(sitemap)
ET.indent(tree, space='\t')
return tree

def execute_script(config: Config, **kwargs) -> None:
output_file = 'sitemap.xml'
ignore_paths = kwargs.get('ignore_paths', [])

logging.info(f'[{SCRIPT_NAME}] generating {output_file} file')
build_sitemap(config.build_path, ignore_paths, config.site_url, config.site_timezone).write(
config.build_path / output_file, encoding='utf-8')

Managing scripts from arguments
Some scripts should only be run from time to time, not for every build (like an archive script). We can manually override enabled_scripts configuration with arguments:

--enable-scripts - comma seperated list of scripts names that will be appended to ones read from config
--disable-scripts - comma seperated list of scripts names that will be removed from ones read from config
--force-scripts - comma seperated list of scripts names that will override ones from config

There are no tests in place. I don't believe in unit testing...nah, I'm just a bit lazy. They'll come in time.
Code and features flexibility is a bit iffy from UX standpoint. This should be resolved over time, as I use the system
and expand on it more.
There are areas in code where unnecessary work is done. Some parts of it can be optimized by simply having a better architecture.
I'm very open to contributions for anything: features, enhancements or refactors.
If some code seems stupid like it use an improvement please don't hesitate to add a new issue
or pull request yourself if you will.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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