p1-helpers 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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p1helpers 1.0.0

Package with common helper functions we use all the time.
We use it to reduce code repeating and unify common processes.
$ tree p1_helpers/
├── dbg.py
├── io_.py
├── parser.py
├── printing.py
├── s3.py
└── system_interaction.py

Package contents

dbg.py - debugging wrappers, logging, assertion wrappers
io_.py - input output, files/folders management
parser.py - Argparse extends
printing.py - printing helpers
s3.py - AWS S3 interaction
system_interaction.py - CLI wrappers

Build package


$ python -m build --no-isolation

Will create dist/ folder with package.

Test your package with local installation

Upload package to pypi.org
Test upload
Before upload on pypy.org try to upload using test.pypi.org server,
more info here https://packaging.python.org/guides/using-testpypi/.

Register separate account here https://test.pypi.org/
Create token.
Update your ~/.pypirc

username = __token__
password = Your_token_from_test_pypi_org_here

Check your upload

$ python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

Production upload

Generate token

Edit or create a ~/.pypirc file with following structure:

username = __token__
password = Your_token_here

Upload package using twine.

$ python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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