pa-scraper 0.2.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pascraper 0.2.4

Prompt API - Scraper API - Python Package
pa-scraper is a python wrapper for scraper api with few
more extra cream and sugar.

You need to signup for Prompt API
You need to subscribe scraper api, test drive is free!!!
You need to set PROMPTAPI_TOKEN environment variable after subscription.

$ pip install pa-scraper

Example Usage
Examples can be found here.
# examples/

from scraper import Scraper

url = ''
scraper = Scraper(url)
response = scraper.get()

if response.get('error', None):
# response['error'] returns error message
# response['status'] returns http status code

# Example: {'error': 'Not Found', 'status': 404}
print(response) # noqa: T001
data = response['result']['data']
headers = response['result']['headers']
url = response['result']['url']
status = response['status']

# print(data) # print fetched html, will be long :)

print(headers) # noqa: T001
# {'Content-Length': '321322', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', ... }

print(status) # noqa: T001
# 200

save_result ='/tmp/my-data.html') # noqa: S108

if save_result.get('error', None):
# save error occured...
# add you code here...

print(save_result) # noqa: T001
# {'file': '/tmp/my-data.html', 'size': 321322}

You can add url parameters for extra operations. Valid parameters are:

auth_password: for HTTP Realm auth password
auth_username: for HTTP Realm auth username
cookie: URL Encoded cookie header.
country: 2 character country code. If you wish to scrape from an IP address of a specific country.
referer: HTTP referer header
selector: CSS style selector path such as a.btn div li. If selector
is enabled, returning result will be collection of data and saved file
will be in .json format.

Here is an example with using url parameters and selector:
# examples/

from scraper import Scraper

url = ''
scraper = Scraper(url)

fetch_params = dict(country='EE', selector='ul li button[data-clipboard-text]')
response = scraper.get(params=fetch_params)

if response.get('error', None):
# response['error'] returns error message
# response['status'] returns http status code

# Example: {'error': 'Not Found', 'status': 404}
print(response) # noqa: T001
data = response['result']['data']
headers = response['result']['headers']
url = response['result']['url']
status = response['status']

# print(data) # noqa: T001
# ['<button class="button button--small margin-top margin-bottom copy-tooltip copy-tooltip-w" ...\n', ]

print(len(data)) # noqa: T001
# 734
# we have an array...

print(headers) # noqa: T001
# {'Content-Length': '321322', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', ... }

print(status) # noqa: T001
# 200

save_result ='/tmp/my-data.json') # noqa: S108
if save_result.get('error', None):
# save error occured...
# add you code here...
print(save_result) # noqa: T001
# {'file': '/tmp/my-data.json', 'size': 174449}

Default timeout value is set to 10 seconds. You can change this while
initializing the instance:
scraper = Scraper(url, timeout=50) # 50 seconds timeout...

You can also add custom headers prefixed with X-. Example below shows
how to add extra request headers and set default timeout:
# pylint: disable=C0103
from scraper import Scraper

if __name__ == '__main__':

url = ''
scraper = Scraper(url)

fetch_params = dict(country='EE', selector='ul li button[data-clipboard-text]')
custom_headers = {
'X-Referer': '',
'X-User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0',
timeout = 30
response = scraper.get(params=fetch_params, headers=custom_headers, timeout=timeout)

if response.get('error', None):
# response['error'] returns error message
# response['status'] returns http status code

# Example: {'error': 'Not Found', 'status': 404}
print(response) # noqa: T001
data = response['result']['data']
headers = response['result']['headers']
url = response['result']['url']
status = response['status']

# print(data) # noqa: T001
# ['<button class="button button--small margin-top margin-bottom copy-tooltip copy-tooltip-w" ...\n', ]

print(len(data)) # noqa: T001
# 734

print(headers) # noqa: T001
# {'Content-Length': '321322', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', ... }

print(status) # noqa: T001
# 200

save_result ='/tmp/my-data.json') # noqa: S108
if save_result.get('error', None):
# save error occured...
# add you code here...
print(save_result) # noqa: T001
# {'file': '/tmp/my-data.json', 'size': 174449}

This project is licensed under MIT


Prompt API - Creator, maintainer

All PR’s are welcome!

fork (
Create your branch (git checkout -b my-feature)
commit yours (git commit -am 'Add awesome features...')
push your branch (git push origin my-feature)
Than create a new Pull Request!

This project is intended to be a safe,
welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to
the code of conduct.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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