PackagePatrol 0.2.5

Creator: railscoder56

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PackagePatrol 0.2.5

The PackagePatrol is a Python tool designed to automate the process of checking, updating, and managing dependencies in GitHub repositories. It streamlines the process of ensuring that all dependencies are up-to-date, which helps maintain the security and stability of your projects.

Automatic Dependency Checking: Scans specified files (e.g., requirements.txt, for dependencies and checks if they are up-to-date.
Dependency Updates: Fetches the latest stable versions of packages from PyPI and updates the specified files.
Branch Creation: Creates a new branch for the dependency updates.
Pull Request Creation: Automatically creates a pull request with the updated dependencies.
Interactive Review: Allows manual review and approval of each change before creating a pull request.


Python 3.7 or later
A GitHub account and a classic personal access token with the following scopes:

repo (all)

You can easily install PackagePatrol using pip, the Python package installer:
pip install PackagePatrol

This command will download and install PackagePatrol along with its dependencies.
Before using PackagePatrol, you need to set up the following:

GitHub Token: Create a GitHub personal access token with repo and workflow permissions. This token grants access to your repositories.
Repositories List: Define the list of repositories you want to check and update. This should be a list of repository names in the format username/repo_name.

Here are two examples of how you can use PackagePatrol:
Example 1: Basic Usage
from PackagePatrol import DependencyChecker

# Configure your GitHub token and repositories to check
github_token = "your_github_token"
repositories = [

# Initialize the DependencyChecker
checker = DependencyChecker(github_token, repositories)

# Run the check

Example 2: Using Environment Variables
You can also use environment variables to protect sensitive information:
import os
from PackagePatrol import DependencyChecker
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables from .env file

# Get the GitHub token from environment variables
github_token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")

# Define the repositories to check
repositories = [

# Initialize the DependencyChecker
checker = DependencyChecker(github_token, repositories)

# Run the check

Make sure you have a .env file in the same directory as your script, containing your GitHub token:

Note: Replace "your_github_token" and "username/repo" with your actual values.

Check Dependencies: The tool will check the specified files in each repository for outdated dependencies.
Generate Updates: If updates are found, it will create a new branch and update the dependencies.
Run Tests: The tool will attempt to run tests on the new branch to ensure compatibility.
Create Pull Request: If the tests pass, it will create a pull request for the updates.
Manual Review: You can manually review and approve each change before the pull request is created.

Error Handling
The tool has robust error handling to log and manage exceptions gracefully.
It includes detailed logging to help trace the flow and catch errors.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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