packagepoa 0.3.0

Creator: railscoder56

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packagepoa 0.3.0

Generate, transform and assemble files for a PoA article.
This library is used to transform a zip file input to produce output consisting of a reformatted zip file and to help produce a PDF file with its coverage page removed.
The transform procedure in summary follows these steps:

get an article DOI from the manifest.xml file inside the input zip file
get the zip's list of files and their titles, also by reading the manifest.xml
rename files and add them into a new zip file, not including the PDF or the manifest.xml
coordinate removing the cover page from the PDF file by relying on an external executable to modify the PDF

The PDF cover page is removed with the code in
The output files generated by this library can then be accompanied with a Publish on Accept (PoA) research article JATS XML file, and all together can be bundled up and sent to journal publishing ingestion workflow.
Requirements and install
a) Install from pypi package index
pip install packagepoa

b) Install locally
Clone the git repo
git clone
Create a python virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install it locally
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

In order to run the transform function as written, it will require strip-coverletter to be installed and ready to run locally, which will also require Docker to be installed and running.
The packagepoa.cfg configuration file provided in this repository can be changed in order specify different output file naming, depending on the journal, and to configure the temporary folder path and the location of the PDF strip coverletter executable.
Example usage
This library is meant to be integrated into another operational system, where the input zip file can be downloaded from an S3 bucket and then processed. The following example illustrates how it might be invoked using interactive Python:
>>> from packagepoa import transform
>>> from packagepoa.conf import raw_config, parse_raw_config
>>> config = parse_raw_config(raw_config('elife'))
>>> transform.process_zipfile("tests/test_data/", config)

Run code tests
Use pytest for testing, install it if missing:
pip install pytest

Run tests

Run tests with coverage
coverage run -m pytest

then report on code coverage
converage report -m

Licensed under MIT.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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