packyou 0.1.5

Creator: railscoder56

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packyou 0.1.5

packyou=======|Build Status| |Code Health| |Coverage Status|Description-----------Downloads a python project from github and allows to import it fromanywhere. Very useful when the repo is not a packageDemo----.. figure:: :alt: Introduction------------Sometimes is usefull to be able to import a project from github. If theproject is configured as a python package it could be installed with pipand git. But still lot of project are not using setuptools which makesdifficult to use them from python easily. Some people could be using gitsubmodules, but it also requires adding a **init**.py file in theproject root.With packyou it is possible to import any pure python project fromgithub justo with a simple import statement like:.. code:: python from packyou.github.username.repository_name import external_github_moduleInstall-------:: pip install packyouExample of usage----------------Supose you want to use something from sqlmap project. since sqlmapproyect is not yet a python package you can import anything from sqlmaplike this:.. code:: python from packyou.github.sqlmapproject.sqlmap.lib.utils.hash import mysql_passwd mysql_passwd(password='testpass', uppercase=True) # '*00E247AC5F9AF26AE0194B41E1E769DEE1429A29'screenshot!- Free software: MIT license- Documentation: Features------------ Add support for bitbucket, gitlab.. |Build Status| image:: :target: |Code Health| image:: :target: |Coverage Status| image:: (2016-09-06)------------------* First release on PyPI.


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