Paddown 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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Paddown 0.1.0

Paddown is an AES CBC PKCS7 Padding Oracle Attack engine. It simplifies performing Padding Oracle Attack on a vulnerable encryption service. This is useful for both CTF and real-world attacks, where you are in possession of a ciphertext, and have a so called Padding Oracle available.

Using Paddown is as easy as subclassing the Paddown class overwriting the hasValidPadding(...) method retuning a bool. As argument it takes ciphertext to test against the Padding Oracle. Have your implementation return True if you receive no padding error and False otherwise.

Now you are ready to call .decrypt() on your class and start decrypting your ciphertext.

Examples can be found in the ./examples directory.
The project can be setup with
python3 -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
pre-commit install

Pull requests
We are open to pull requests.
We use black, flake8 and isort for linting, and implement unit testing using pytest. A pre-commit configuration file has been added, for checking against these linters before comitting.
Please squash all commits when merging a pull request.
To run the unittests, simply run pytest.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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