pagebuilder 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pagebuilder 0.0.2

PageBuilder is a Python library that offers a simple and intuitive way to create UI components for web apps without the need to write HTML code.
Key Features

Provides semantic Python components that compile into HTML, making it easy to use with any web framework.
Comes with a range of semantic Python components, including headers, text, forms, buttons, and links.
Is designed to work well with Python autocomplete, enabling quick and easy exploration of the available components and their arguments.
Offers an alternative to hand-coding Flask templates, streamlining UI development for web apps.
The default style uses TailwindCSS, a popular CSS framework known for its utility-first approach.
Allows you to insert any HTML into the page by using the Page.add_html() method, providing you with the flexibility to add custom components or use third-party libraries as needed.
Offers an easy-to-use theming system, allowing you to choose from a variety of pre-built themes, including the default theme based on TailwindCSS.
Allows for additional themes to be added using different CSS frameworks by accepting pull requests from contributors.

Why PageBuilder?
PageBuilder is a great fit for developers who want to:

Create UI components for web apps using Python code without the need to write HTML.
Use a Python library that works seamlessly with any web framework.
Build UIs using a range of semantic Python components with explicit arguments.
Use a utility-first CSS framework, such as TailwindCSS, to style their UI components without the need for custom CSS code.
Insert any HTML into the page when a pre-built component doesn't fit their needs.
Customize the style of their UI components by choosing from a variety of pre-built themes or by contributing new themes that use different CSS frameworks.
Getting Started
To get started with PageBuilder, simply install the library using pip:

pip install pagebuilder

Once installed, you can begin creating UI components by creating a new Page object and adding components to it using the add_* methods. You can then return the page as HTML by calling page.to_html().
For example, to create a new page with a header and a paragraph of text, you could use the following code:
import pagebuilder as pb

page = pb.Page()
page.add_header("Welcome to PageBuilder!")
page.add_text("PageBuilder is a Python library for creating UI components for web apps without the need to write HTML code.")

This will output the following HTML:
<div id="page-container" class="container px-5 my-5 mx-auto">
<p class="mb-4 font-extrabold leading-none tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white text-xl sm:text-5xl ">Welcome to PageBuilder!</p>
<p class="mb-6 text-lg font-normal text-gray-500 lg:text-xl dark:text-gray-400">PageBuilder is a Python library for creating UI components for web apps without the need to write HTML code.</p>

PageBuilder is an open-source library, and contributions are welcome! If you have an idea for a new feature or theme, or if you find a bug and want to submit a fix, feel free to open a pull request.
Thanks for considering PageBuilder!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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