palpageproducer 1.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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palpageproducer 1.3.0

Palette Page Producer
Input: a SASS stylesheet (.scss), a LESS stylesheet (.less), a GNU Image Manipulation Program palette (.gpl), or an Oomox colors file (often found in ~/config/oomox/colors).
Output: an HTML document with boxes of the colors defined in the input file (in ~/.local/share/palpageproducer/output or the equivalent).


I made this because I wanted an easy way to see what the colors in a webpage/game/etc. looked like together. Because Palette Page Producer also lists the variable names and hex codes of each color, it also makes it easy to copy a given value (e.g. to throw it into WebAIM's Color Contrast Checker).

PPP doesn't check if the output already exists before overwriting.
LESS files aren't as well-tested as the other formats yet and may have strange errors.
The output uses some fancy CSS features (like grid and vw) that not all browsers support.
RGB palette colors are converted to hex output. RGBA colors are ignored entirely.
If color I.D.s are duplicated (e.g. a GNU IMP palette with multiple colors named "Untitled"), PPP automatically appends a number to the I.D. to avoid overlap problems. This means that the I.D.s seen in the output may not match to the originals 100%.
The output uses a <style> element in the <head>, rather than creating two separate (.HTML and .CSS) files. Some linters don't like <style> tags under any circumstances, so you may get false "invalid" results, but the output is indeed valid HTML5.
Very long color I.D.s (in excess of, say, 90 characters, although your definition of "very long" may vary) or column counts of 9 or more may break the output layout, force horizontal scrolling, and yield undesirable results.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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