pancritic 0.3.2

Creator: bradpython12

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pancritic 0.3.2

Kolen Cheung
April 5, 2019


Definition of CriticMarkup
Usage: pancritic as a markdown wrapper (including but not limited to pandoc)

pancritic specific options
Previous Users

Previous Users of pandoc-criticmarkup
Previous Users of

Advanced Usage: pancritic as a pandoc preprocessor


LaTeX Ouptut


Using CriticMarkup with pandoc. It serves both as a wrapper and a

Definition of CriticMarkup

Deletions: This is {–is –}a test.
Additions: This {++is ++}a test.
Substitutions: This {~~isn’t~>is~~} a test.
Highlighting: This is a {==test==}.
Comments: This is a test{>>What is a test for?<<}.

Install using
pip install pancritic

Usage: pancritic as a markdown wrapper (including but not limited to pandoc)
pancritic provides a pandoc-like cli. Pandoc users will feel right at
home. See help from
pancritic -h
A typical use of pancritic will be like
pancritic -s -o index.html
See examples in HTML and PDF.

pancritic specific options

The default engine is markdown. Valid options are markdown,
markdown2, panflute, pypandoc. You need to install the
respective package in order to use them. markdown and
markdown2 are pure Python, hence useful for other CPU
architechture. panflute and pypandoc both uses pandoc as

a/accept, r/reject: accept/reject changes.
d/diff: generates a diff. In HTML output, JS is used for toggling
between diff, accept, reject.
m/markup: treat the CriticMarkup as Markup. i.e. in HTML output there
isn’t any toggles but the diff view only. In LaTeX output, diff and
markup modes are identical except for an additional nav. -m m
should be used with LaTeX output.

Previous Users

Previous Users of pandoc-criticmarkup
This is completely rewritten in Python. The cli has been completely
changed too. The former options of -a, -r, -d are replaced
with -m a, -m r, -m d, and added a -m m.

Previous Users of
This is a heavy fork of, with these differences:

CLI has changed, with a more pandoc-like interface.
Python 3 (and 2) compatible.
Bug fixes (formerly hightlight without comment are parsed
It has much more input/output format options as well as engines.

Examples, -m2 -o output.html --css css.html
# is equivalent to
pancritic -o output.html --critic-template css.html --engine markdown2

Advanced Usage: pancritic as a pandoc preprocessor
A somewhat surprising behavior is when the to-format and output
extension is different. In pancritic, the to-format indicates the
CriticMarkup parsing behavior (mainly tex vs. html). And the output
extension controls the final output’s format (e.g. markdown, html, etc.)
An interesting use of this is to use pancritic as a pandoc preprocessor
instead, like this
pancritic -t markdown -m m | pandoc -s -o output.html
This will be useful if more advanced pandoc args are needed.


Nesting CriticMarkup might have unexpected behavior, especially in
LaTeX output. See the caveats section in the spec of
mainly tested with HTML and LaTeX output. RST output almost works,
but injecting CSS/JS into the output causes some problems. Currently,
it can be get arround with --critic-template and injecting the
CSS/JS manually. See pancritic/ for the template used.

LaTeX Ouptut
Note that the LaTeX output requires the LaTeX packages
changes>=3. [1]
One can tell pandoc to use this package by either using a custom
template or --include-in-header option. Or you can use the trick of
putting the following in your YAML front matter, like this file:
fontfamily: lmodern,changes
Markdown within the CriticMarkup will not be rendered in LaTeX output.
If you want to change this behavior, you can take a look at: LaTeX

Translation from CriticMarkup to LaTeX.








Heavily modified from CriticMarkup Toolkit’s is modified from MMD-Test-Suite/Critic.text
at master ·

The version of the package in TeXLive 2018 is still v2. TeXLive 2019
should be available on 2019-4-30,
meanwhile you need to
# sudo is needed in most cases, depending on where you put it
sudo tlmgr update --self
sudo tlmgr update changes
# check it is >=3
tlmgr info changes


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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