pandas-liteql 0.5.3

Creator: bradpython12

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pandasliteql 0.5.3

What is pandas-liteql?
pandas-liteql is a simple pandas extension that enables users to execute SQL statements against DataFrames using in-memory SQLite. It is meant to streamline data manipulation and analysis tasks. For more detailed information and examples on pandas-liteql, visit the documentation pages.
What pandas-liteql is not
pandas-liteql is not a competitor to libraries such as PySpark or DuckDB that can perform SQL queries on larger data sets and perform more advanced data science use-cases. Rather, it is inspired by those projects and similar libraries that have performed the same function, but have since been abandoned or were not as user-friendly.
Installing pandas-liteql
pandas-liteql requires a minimum of Python 3.7 and the following libraries:


>= 1.3.5

>= 1.4.36

Assuming these prerequisites are already installed, adding pandas-liteql is as simple as...
pip install pandas-liteql

Below are some usage examples to load, query, and drop data from the in-memory SQLite sessions established with pandas-liteql and pandas DataFrame integration.
Start by loading your DataFrame with the load function. When pandas-liteql is imported, an in-memory SQLite session is created where data can be loaded to.
import pandas as pd
from src import pandas_liteql as lql

# Data set creation
person_data = {
'name': ['Bill', 'Ted', 'Abraham', 'Genghis', 'Napoleon'],
'age': [25, 24, 56, 64, 51],
'email': ['', '',
'', '',

# DataFrame creation
person_df = pd.DataFrame(data=person_data)

# Loading the DataFrame to in-memory SQLite as the 'person' table
# The 'person' variable is also a LiteQL class containing the table name and schema information
person = lql.load(df=person_df, table_name='person')

print(f'Table name: {}')

Table name: person
name type nullable default autoincrement primary_key
0 index BIGINT True None auto 0
1 name TEXT True None auto 0
2 age BIGINT True None auto 0
3 email TEXT True None auto 0

Next, query the table using the query function. Using SQL syntax, the loaded table can be queried and the results will be returned as a pandas DataFrame.
bill_and_ted = lql.query(sql='SELECT * FROM person WHERE age < 30')


index name age email
0 0 Bill 25
1 1 Ted 24

If finished with a table within the flow of a script, you can simply drop it with the drop function to preserve memory.

The DataFrame SQL Accessor
Lastly, for a more simplistic approach, you can use the liteql.sql accessor to perform the same functions above in one line and return the result as a pandas DataFrame. This approach requires that you query from the liteql table that is loaded from the DataFrame, queried, and then dropped.
import pandas as pd
import pandas_liteql as lql

# Data set creation
person_data = {
'name': ['Bill', 'Ted', 'Abraham', 'Genghis', 'Napoleon'],
'age': [25, 24, 56, 64, 51],
'email': ['', '',
'', '',

# DataFrame creation
person_df = pd.DataFrame(data=person_data)

bill_and_ted = person_df.liteql.sql('SELECT * FROM liteql WHERE age < 30')


index name age email
0 0 Bill 25
1 1 Ted 24

Currently, pandas-liteql will not be receiving any additional updates. Contributions will not be accepted here, but feel free to fork this project if you desire.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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