pandas-pipe 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pandaspipe 0.0.1


a collection of pandas DataFrame methods and functions I commonly used decorated with scikit-lego's @log_step to enable logging within method chaining
Wanted to use the logging of common pandas methods across projects
Inspired from Vincent D. Warmerdam's PyData Eindhoven 2019 talk titled Untitled12.ipynb
See the docs for pandas pipelines of scikit-lego to view the general use case for @log_step
See examples/demo.ipynb for a few workflows and links to other relevant SE questions

In [1]: import pandas as pd; import numpy as np; import logging

In [2]: import pandas_pipe

In [3]: stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

In [4]: pandas_pipe.logger.addHandler(stream_handler)

In [5]: dataf_input = pd.DataFrame(
...: {
...: "aaa": {0: 10, 1: 11, 2: 12, 3: 13},
...: "myid": {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4},
...: "num": {0: "1, 2, 3", 1: np.nan, 2: "1, 2", 3: np.nan},
...: "text": {0: "aa, bb, cc", 1: np.nan, 2: "cc, dd", 3: "ee"},
...: "states": {
...: 0: "Wyoming; Illinois; New Hampshire",
...: 1: "Pennsylvania",
...: 2: "New York",
...: 3: "Pennsylvania",
...: },
...: }
...: )

In [6]: dataf_input
aaa myid num text states
0 10 1 1, 2, 3 aa, bb, cc Wyoming; Illinois; New Hampshire
1 11 2 NaN NaN Pennsylvania
2 12 3 1, 2 cc, dd New York
3 13 4 NaN ee Pennsylvania

In [7]: (
...: dataf_input.pipe(pandas_pipe.start_pipeline)
...: .pipe(pandas_pipe.explode_setup, columns=["num", "text"], delimiter=",")
...: .pipe(pandas_pipe.explode_setup, columns=["states"], delimiter=";")
...: .pipe(pandas_pipe.explode, column="num", ignore_index=False)
...: .pipe(pandas_pipe.explode, column="text", ignore_index=False)
...: .pipe(pandas_pipe.explode, column="states", ignore_index=False)
...: .pipe(pandas_pipe.drop_duplicates)
...: )
[start_pipeline(df)] time=0:00:00.000152 n_obs=4, n_col=5 names=['aaa', 'myid', 'num', 'text', 'states']
[explode_setup(df, columns = ['num', 'text'], delimiter = ',')] time=0:00:00.001107 n_obs=4, n_col=5 delta=(0, 0)
[explode_setup(df, columns = ['states'], delimiter = ';')] time=0:00:00.000466 n_obs=4, n_col=5 delta=(0, 0)
[explode(df, column = 'num', ignore_index = False)] time=0:00:00.003697 n_obs=7, n_col=5 delta=(+3, 0)
[explode(df, column = 'text', ignore_index = False)] time=0:00:00.002642 n_obs=15, n_col=5 delta=(+8, 0)
[explode(df, column = 'states', ignore_index = False)] time=0:00:00.002184 n_obs=33, n_col=5 delta=(+18, 0)
[drop_duplicates(df)] time=0:00:00.001671 n_obs=33, n_col=5 delta=(0, 0)
aaa myid num text states
0 10 1 1 aa Wyoming
0 10 1 1 aa Illinois
0 10 1 1 aa New Hampshire
0 10 1 1 bb Wyoming
0 10 1 1 bb Illinois
0 10 1 1 bb New Hampshire
0 10 1 1 cc Wyoming
0 10 1 1 cc Illinois
0 10 1 1 cc New Hampshire
0 10 1 2 aa Wyoming
0 10 1 2 aa Illinois
0 10 1 2 aa New Hampshire
0 10 1 2 bb Wyoming
0 10 1 2 bb Illinois
0 10 1 2 bb New Hampshire
0 10 1 2 cc Wyoming
0 10 1 2 cc Illinois
0 10 1 2 cc New Hampshire
0 10 1 3 aa Wyoming
0 10 1 3 aa Illinois
0 10 1 3 aa New Hampshire
0 10 1 3 bb Wyoming
0 10 1 3 bb Illinois
0 10 1 3 bb New Hampshire
0 10 1 3 cc Wyoming
0 10 1 3 cc Illinois
0 10 1 3 cc New Hampshire
1 11 2 NaN NaN Pennsylvania
2 12 3 1 cc New York
2 12 3 1 dd New York
2 12 3 2 cc New York
2 12 3 2 dd New York
3 13 4 NaN ee Pennsylvania


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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