pandas-rs 0.1.6

Creator: railscoder56

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pandasrs 0.1.6

[![Circle CI](]( pandas-rspandas-rs is oirginally designed for RedShift butalso works for PostgreSQL. Inspired by [pandas-td]( may should have made the package name as pandas-pg, since It also works forPostgreSQL.# requirementTo connect PostgreSQL and RedShift, you have to have the PostgreSQL client.### Mac~~~brew updatebrew install postgresql~~~# installation~~~pip install pandas-rs~~~# UsageAs I mentioned, above pandas-rs works for PostgreSQL as well.First export password via shell(recommended)~~~shellexport REDSHIFT_OR_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD='password'~~~~~~pyimport pandas_rs as rsimport os # use only if you will access password through environment variablesrs.create_engine( dbname='dev', user='test', password=os.environ['REDSHIFT_OR_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD'], host='foobar.redshift.exmple', port='5439')print(rs.read_sql("""select 'hello PostgreSQL or redshift' greeting"""))~~~result~~~py greeting0 hello PostgreSQL or redshift~~~


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