pandas_drf_tools 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pandas drf tools 0.1.1

pandas-drf-tools is a set of viewsets, serializers and mixins to allow
using Pandas DataFrames with Django
REST Framework sites.

The package can be installed using pip from
$ pip install pandas-drf-tools
An you can also install it from source cloning the project’s GitHub
$ git clone git://
$ cd pandas-drf-tools
$ python install

How you use pandas-drf-tools depends on the level of integration you
need. The simplest use-case are regular DRF views that expose a
DataFrame. pandas-drf-tools provides several Serializers that turn a
DataFrame into its JSON representation using to_* methods in the
DataFrame API and a little bit of data processing. You can also parse
(and validate) data sent to the view into a DataFrame using the provided
Serializers. For example:
class DataFrameIndexSerializerTestView(views.APIView):
def get_serializer_class(self):
return DataFrameIndexSerializer

def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
sample = get_some_dataframe().sample(20)
serializer = self.get_serializer_class()(sample)
return response.Response(

def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
serializer = self.get_serializer_class()(
data_frame = serializer.validated_data
data = {
'columns': list(data_frame.columns),
'len': len(data_frame)
return response.Response(data)
The APIView above uses DataFrameIndexSerializer to serialize the
DataFrame sample on the get method, and to de-serialize the request
payload on the post method. It also provide basic validation. Here’s
the code for DataFrameIndexSerializer:
class DataFrameIndexSerializer(Serializer):
def to_internal_value(self, data):
data_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index').rename(index=int)
return data_frame
except ValueError as e:
raise ValidationError({api_settings.NON_FIELD_ERRORS_KEY: [str(e)]})

def to_representation(self, instance):
instance = instance.rename(index=str)
return instance.to_dict(orient='index')
As you can see, the brunt of the work is done by DataFrame.to_dict.
These are all the Serializers available:

DataFrameReadOnlyToDictRecordsSerializer: A read-only (it doesn’t
implement to_internal_value) serializer that uses
DataFrame.to_dict with records orientation.
DataFrameListSerializer: A serializer that uses DataFrame.to_dict
with list orientation for serialization and columns for
DataFrameIndexSerializer: A serializer that uses
DataFrame.to_dict with index orientation for serialization
and de-serialization. Due to the restrictions imposed on keys by the
JSON format, the index is converted to str on serialization and
to int on deseralization.
DataFrameRecordsSerializer: A serializer that uses
DataFrame.to_records for serialization and
DataFrame.from_records de-serialization.

Besides serializers, pandas-drf-tools also provides a
GenericDataFrameAPIView to expose a DataFrame using a view, the same
way DRF’s GenericAPIView does it with Django’s querysets. This class
will rarely be used directly. Same as with DRF, pandas-drf-tools also
provides a GenericDataFrameViewSet class that, combined with custom
list, retrieve, create, and update mixins turn into DataFrameViewSet
(and ReadOnlyDataFrameViewSet) which mimics the behaviour of
Instead of setting a queryset field of overriding get_queryset,
users of DataFrameViewSet need to set a dataframe field or
override the get_dataframe method. Another difference is that, by
default, write operations do not change the original dataframe. The
create, update, and destroy methods defined in the mixins
return a new DataFrame based on the one set by get_dataframe. In
order to give the users the chance of doing something with the new
DataFrame, we provide an update_dataframe callback that is called
whenever a write operation is called. Take a look at the
CreateDataFrameMixin class:
class CreateDataFrameMixin(object):
Adds a row to the dataframe.
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
serializer = self.get_serializer(
headers = self.get_success_headers(
return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)

def perform_create(self, serializer):
dataframe = self.get_dataframe()
return self.update_dataframe(dataframe.append(serializer.validated_data))

def get_success_headers(self, data):
return {'Location': data[api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME]}
except (TypeError, KeyError):
return {}
We call append on the original dataframe and we pass the result onto
update_dataframe. The default behaviour of update_dataframe is
just returning whatever was passed onto it, so all operations are
basically read-only. Here’s an example of how to integrate all the
import pandas as pd

class TestDataFrameViewSet(DataFrameViewSet):
serializer_class = DataFrameRecordsSerializer

def get_dataframe(self):
return pd.read_pickle('test.pkl')

def update_dataframe(self, dataframe):
return dataframe
This viewset can then be used the same way as regular DRF viewset. For
instance, we could use a router:
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter

router = DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'test', TestDataFrameViewSet, base_name='test')
The only caveat is that, since there’s no queryset (nor model)
associated with the viewset, DRF cannot guess the base name, so it has
to be set explicitly.
That’s everything you need. Now you API is ready to receive regular REST
calls (POST for create, PUT for update, etc.) that will read or change
the DataFrame.
Whenever possible, I followed DRF’s existing architecture so most things
should feel natural if you already have experience with the framework.

A complete example that uses the US Census Data is available on

What’s missing?

No unit tests. Although the package is fully functional, I wouldn’t
use it in any production environment yet as I haven’t had time to
fully test it just.
No validation. The serializers just use pandas’ methods without
checking payload thoroughly. I’m still looking for ways on improving
this, probably using the columns dtypes to validate each serialized
No filtering backends. If you need filtering, you can override the
filter_dataframe method, which is does the same as the
filter_queryset method. I’m planning on implementing some filters
(like the SearchFilter) to provide guidance if you want to build
your own.
No page pagination. Only LimitOffsetPagination is provided.
Proper documentation.

Comments, tickets and pull requests are welcomed. You can also reach me
at if you
have specific questions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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