pandasbots-gimbel 1.6.3

Creator: railscoder56

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pandasbotsgimbel 1.6.3

Pandas Bots - Python

Automation that saves time and money. Contact us now!

Implementations are for learning purposes only. As they may be less efficient than the implementations in the Python standard library, use them at your discretion.

This package requires selenium. For that reason it will may not work if you are using Google Colab or similar.
Project Gimbel Mexicana

Author: Rafael Klanfer Nunes

User will input the website URL and the program will return:

Excel file containing product info.

PDF file containg product instructions.

JSON file with:

name: The name of the product
code: The SKU of the product (codigo)
Image: The src url of the images of the product
Details: The details of the product (separating each in JSON format)
Info: The "more info" of the product (separating each in JSON format)
Brand: The brand name

pip install gimbel

>>> from gimbel import gimbel_scraper
>>> URL = ""
>>> data = gimbel_scraper.get_product_info(URL)
>>> print(data)


{'Brand': 'GIM SPORTS', 'Code': 'Código: 15GIMNAS419CH', 'Name': 'BALON PARA CROSSFIT 2KG', 'Details': 'ÿþBalón medicinal para CROSSFIT\n\nCaracterísticas:\n" Fabricada de caucho resistente con relleno de arena.\n* Superficie con textura que evita derrape\n" No rebota\n" Perfecta para complementar los ejercicios de fuerza y resistencia en los músculos.\n" Entre los principales músculos trabajados encontramos glúteos/ cuádriceps/ isquiotibiales/ hombros y de forma secundaria/ abdominales\ny demás músculos de zona media del cuerpo que se contraen para conservar una correcta postura durante el movimiento.\n" Marca \x1c GIM\x1d', 'Info': '{"C\\u00f3digo":{"0":null,"1":"15GIMNAS419CH"},"Peso":{"0":null,"1":"2 kg"},"Color":{"0":null,"1":"Azul"}}', 'Image': ['', '']}


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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