panifex 1.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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panifex 1.1.2

Panifex: A Python Build System
Panifex is a Python build system that easily allows you to tie together various
parts of a multi-stage build and to create reusable recipes. It is a good
replacement for make and related tools.
Example Usage
The following example defines a script that builds a tetris game from
its project root directory:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from panifex import build, sh, provide, target, default

sh.env(CC="clang", CFLAGS=("-g", "-I./include"), LDFLAGS=("-lncurses", "-lpanel"))

def compile(src):
return sh(
"{CC} -c {CFLAGS} {input} -o {output}",

def link(executable, objects):
return sh("{CC} {LDFLAGS} {input} -o {output}", input=objects, output=executable)

def sources():
return Path.cwd().glob("**/*.c")

def objects(sources):
return [compile(src) for src in sources]

def executable(objects):
return link("ntetris2", objects)


In the above example, the following usage patterns are presented:

build, sh, provide, target, and default are imported from panifex

build is the default build factory that provide, target, and default
are bound to, and the functor that we'll need to invoke once we've defined
all of our provides and targets.
sh is a recipe factory for generating shell-based file recipes.
provide indicates that the function provides a resource needed by other
resources or targets, but that it is not a targetable build artifact.
target indicates that the function provides a resource needed by
other resources or targets, and that it is a targetable build artifact.
default indicates that this function is the default targetable build
artifact, and will be built if no targets are explicitly specified
when invoking bake.

CC, CFLAGS, and LDFLAGS are defined as environment variables through
sh.env. sh.env extends the environment of the sh recipe factory with
additional variables that are interpolated into the command string and added
to the environment of commands run with this factory. In addition to OS
environment variables which are added automatically as strings, lists or
tuples can be specified in sh.env which will be interpolated correctly
into command format strings.
compile is defined. It is a normal function which calls the sh factory to
generate a recipe for creating an .o output file for the given source
file. compile is referred to as a "recipe function", because it is a
function that generates a recipe from arguments. Calling this function
itself does not run any commands, but instead the recipe generated should be
returned from a build target, where it can be built in parallel with other
dependencies in the overall dependency tree. The input and output
parameters to sh are special and essential:

output specifies the name of the file that will be generated by the
shell recipe. This is used to determine if the recipe actually needs
to be run, and identifies the file that should be cleaned up while
input is optional, and specifies the file(s) that will be used to
create the output. If the output already exists but any of the input
files are newer, the output will be re-created.

link is defined as another recipe function for creating the final executable
from a list of object files.
sources is a provider. It defines the list of source files to be built.
objects is the first target. It depends on sources because it has a
parameter named sources which is automatically injected with the result
from sources, that being a list of source filenames. It uses compile to
create a list of recipes and returns them. Panifex will build these recipes
in parallel, spawning at maximum as many simultaneous processes as the
system has available processor cores.
executable is the default target. It depends on objects, and as such won't
actually run until all of the object file recipes generated by objects are
done building. executable doesn't receive the list of object recipes,
rather it receives a list containing all of the outputs specified by each
recipe, that being a list of object filenames.

Release Notes
v1.1: 07/16/2020

Added bake -l to list targets and their docstrings.

v1.0: 07/10/2020

BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: End support for class based build modules.

v0.8: 07/04/2020

Updated to support Xeno's new function providers, builds no longer have to be
modeled as classes, but build() must be called at the end of the script.

v0.1: 01/02/2020

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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