papis-zotero 0.1.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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papiszotero 0.1.2

Zotero compatibility for papis

To install the latest release from PyPI
python -m pip install papis-zotero
To install the latest development version
python -m pip install papis-zotero@

This project uses and setuptools for its build system.
To develop the code, it is recommended to start up a
virtual environment and
install the project in editable mode using, e.g.:
python -m pip install -e '.[develop]'
After installation always check that the command is correctly recognized, e.g.
by looking at the help output
papis zotero --help

Importing from BibTeX
Zotero supports exporting different variants of BibTeX or BibLaTeX files
(from Files > Export Library). The resulting bib file can be directly
imported into papis using
papis bibtex read library.bib import --all
but a better choice is using this command, as it has better support for special
Zotero fields. To import a given exported library run
papis zotero import --from-bibtex library.bib
BibTeX files exported by Zotero can also include has some PDF entries, e.g.
they can look like
author = { A. Einstein },
doi = { 10.1002/andp.19053220607 },
journal = { Ann. Phys. },
pages = { 132--148 },
title = { Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes
betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt },
file = { Full Text:path/to/some/relative/file.pdf },
volume = { 322 },
year = { 1905 },
From this, papis-zotero will interpret the path of the file entry
as a relative path to library.bib passed to the import command using
--from-bibtex. The files are skipped if they do not exist at the expected
By default, papis-zotero will add the documents to your current library.
When initially importing a big library, it is recommended to always import it
into a scratch folder, so that you can check the import. This can be easily done
papis zotero import --from-bibtex library.bib --outfolder some/folder/lib
When you are ready you can move this folder to a final papis library.

Importing from Zotero SQLite
Zotero also maintains a database of all its files and collections under a
zotero.sqlite file. You can check where this file is located by going to
Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Data Directory Location (may vary depending
on the Zotero version). The Zotero data directory should contain the zotero.sqlite
file and a storage directory with the files for each document.
The SQLite database maintained by Zotero can be imported directly (without
using a BibTeX export) by papis-zotero. This can be done by passing
papis zotero import --from-sql-folder <ZOTERO_DATA_DIRECTORY>
where ZOTERO_DATA_DIRECTORY is the folder containing the zotero.sqlite
file. By default, papis-zotero will add the imported documents to your
current library directory, but it can be customized using the
--outfolder argument.

Using Zotero connectors
This plugin can also connect to a Zotero connector browser plugin. First, one
such plugin should be installed from the
Zotero website. Then, make sure that
Zotero itself is not running (and connected to the connector) and run
papis zotero serve
to start listening to your browser for incoming data. Whenever you click the
Zotero button to add a paper, papis-zotero will add this paper to its
library instead.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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