paradigm-data-portal 0.2.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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paradigmdataportal 0.2.2

Paradigm Data Portal
The Paradigm Data Portal is a collection of open source crypto datasets for researchers and tool builders

ethereum_contracts: all historical contract deployments
ethereum_native_transfers: all native transfers in similar format to ERC20 Transfers (excluding tx fees)
ethereum_slots: all slots of each contract, including historical usage metadata

All datasets are released under a CC0 license into the public domain unless otherwise noted.
pdp is a CLI tool that can be used to obtain and manage PDP datasets
To install: pip install paradigm-data-portal
Example Usage

List available datasets pdp ls
List dataset files pdp ls <dataset_name>
Download a dataset pdp download <dataset_name>

Each command has multiple options, view help with pdp <command> -h
Dataset Versioning
Every dataset has a version in <major>.<minor>.<patch> format, e.g. 1.2.8

when a schema is updated, the major version is increased
when rows are added, removed, or modified, the minor version is increased
when rows are added due to new blocks, the patch is increased

Updates will be documented in dataset changelogs


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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