paraman 0.0.3

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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paraman 0.0.3


Python 3.6.7+
(Optional) AWS CLI for deploying a CloudFormation template

$ pip install paraman

TODO: Update DockerHub pipeline
docker run --rm -it unfor19/paraman


Get SSM Parameters by path, output: .parameters.json and .parameters_types.json
Generate SSM parameters to CloudFormation templates, according to Get SSM Parameters, output: .merged.yaml
Deploy CloudFormation template .merged.yaml, output: CloudFormation Stack in AWS
Put SSM Parameters values in AWS, according to Get SSM Parameters, output: SSM Parameters with a dummy value "empty" in AWS


Usage: paraman [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


paraman --parameters-region eu-west-1 parameter-get
--prefix-to-replace /my-app/development/
--exclude-paths "/accounts/,/google_credentials/,/cookie_secret"

paraman cloudformation-create
--prefix-to-replace /my-app/development/
--replace-prefix-with /my-app/test/

aws cloudformation deploy
--region us-east-1
--template-file .merged.yaml
--stack-name test-virginia

paraman --parameters-region us-east-1 parameter-put
--prefix-to-replace /my-app/dev/
--replace-prefix-with /my-app/test/

-ci, --ci Use this flag to avoid confirmation prompts
-dev, --local-dev Use this flag for local tests with localstack
-u, --endpoint-url TEXT Set a custom AWS endpoint_url
--help Show this message and exit.

cloudformation-create Alias: cc Gets SSM Parameters from AWS or from the...
parameter-get Alias: pg Gets `parameters_region` and...
parameter-put Alias: pp Gets `parameters_region` and...
version Print the installed version

Report issues/questions/feature requests on the Issues section.
Pull requests are welcome! Ideally, create a feature branch and issue for every single change you make. These are the steps:

Fork this repo
Create your feature branch from master (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
Install from source
$ git clone${GITHUB_OWNER}/paraman.git && cd paraman
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m venv ./ENV
$ . ./ENV/bin/activate
$ (ENV) pip install --editable .
# Done! Now when you run 'paraman' it will get automatically updated when you modify the code

Add the code of your new feature
Test - make sure all commands work properly (TODO: add tests)
Commit your remarkable changes (git commit -am 'Added new feature')
Push to the branch (git push --set-up-stream origin my-new-feature)
Create a new Pull Request and tell us about your changes

Created and maintained by Meir Gabay


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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