parasolr 0.9.2

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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parasolr 0.9.2

parasolr is a lightweight python library for Apache Solr indexing,
searching and schema management with optional Django integration.
It includes a Solr client (parasolr.solr.SolrClient). When used with
Django, it provides management commands for updating your Solr schema
configuration and indexing content.

Tested against Python 3.9-3.11, Solr 8.6 and 9.2, and Django 3.2-5.0 and without Django.

Install released version from pypi:
pip install parasolr
To install an unreleased version from GitHub:
pip install git+
To use with Django:

Add parasolr to INSTALLED_APPS
Configure SOLR_CONNECTIONS in your django settings:
'default': {
'URL': 'http://localhost:8983/solr/',
'COLLECTION': 'name',
# Any configSet in SOLR_ROOT/server/solr/configsets.
# The default configset name is "_default" as of Solr 7.
# For Solr 6, "basic_configs" is the default.
'CONFIGSET': '_default'

Define a SolrSchema with fields and field types for your project.
Run solr_schema manage command to configure your schema; it will
prompt to create the Solr core if it does not exist.

The SolrSchema must be imported somewhere for it to be
found automatically.

Development instructions
This git repository uses git flow branching conventions.
Initial setup and installation:

Recommmended: create and activate a Python 3.x virtualenv:
python3 -m venv parasolr
source parasolr/bin/activate

Install the package with its dependencies as well as development
pip install -e .
pip install -e '.[dev]'

Install pre-commit hooks
Install configured pre-commit hooks (currently black and isort):

pre-commit install

Styling was instituted in version 0.8; as a result, git blame may not reflect the true author of a given line. In order to see a more accurate git blame execute the following command:

git blame <FILE> –ignore-revs-file .git-blame-ignore-revs

Or configure your git to always ignore the black revision commit:

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

Unit testing
Unit tests are written with pytest but use some Django
test classes for compatibility with Django test suites. Running the tests
requires a minimal settings file for Django-required configurations.

Copy sample test settings and add a secret key:
cp ci/
python -c "import uuid; print('\nSECRET_KEY = \'%s\'' % uuid.uuid4())" >>

By default, parasolr expects Solr 8. If running tests with an earlier
version of Solr, either explicitly change MAJOR_SOLR_VERSION in your
local or set the environment variable:
export SOLR_VERSION=x.x.x

To run the test, either use the configured test command:
python test

Or install test requirements in and use pytest directly:
pip install -e '.[test]'

parasolr is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
©2019-2024 Trustees of Princeton University. Permission granted via
Princeton Docket #20-3619 for distribution online under a standard Open Source
license. Ownership rights transferred to Rebecca Koeser provided software
is distributed online via open source.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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