pardot-api-client 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pardotapiclient 0.0.1

A Python client for the Pardot API.
It provides object notation for interacting with resources on the API in clean and simple idiomatic statements like:
>>> client.prospect.update('', first_name='John')


Supports Python 2 and 3
Supports API version 3
Supports all API entities: Account, Campaign, Custom Field, Custom Redirect, Dynamic Content, Email, Email Clicks, Form, Identified Company, Lifecycle History, Lifecycle Stage, List, List Membership, Opportunity, Profile, Profile Criteria, Prospect, Prospect Account, Tag, Tag Object, User, Visit, Visitor, Visitor Activity, Visitor Page View, Visitor Referrer
Supports most API operations: query, assign, unassign, create, read, update, upsert, delete
Supports un-setting of field values
Handles API session timeouts implicitly
Transparent API error feedback
Optional request retries with incremental back-off

Planned features

Support for API version 4
Support for API batch operations: batchCreate, batchUpdate, batchUpsert
Supports result set manipulation, eg specifying fields, limit, offset, sort_by, sort_order
Implicit results pagination
Implicit chunking for batch operationss

$ pip install pardot-api-client


Obtain API authentication credentials from Pardot by following instructions at - you’ll need the following: email, password, user_key
Review the supported Pardot API documentation at
Use the Python API client to interact with the API:

>>> from pardot.client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(
... 'pardot-email',
... 'pardot-password',
... 'pardot-user_key')
>>> # read
>>> r ='')
>>> print(r)
>>> # update
>>> r = client.prospect.update('', first_name='John')
>>> print(r)
>>> # query
>>> for r in client.prospect.query(new=True):
... print(r)

Arguments vs keyword arguments
To keep the client’s API simple it makes educated guesses about the identifiers passed in resource operation calls.
To make this work all required parameters (except user_key and api_key, which are automatically added) must be passed as positional arguments and any optional parameters passed as keyword arguments.
For instance, the API documentation states that “assign” operations on “prospect” resources may use either “email” or “id” as identifiers and must supply one of the following parameters: “user_email” or “user_id” or “group_id”. Any of the forms below could be used to make this call from the client:
>>> # identify by email
>>> client.prospect.update('', user_email='')
>>> client.prospect.update('', user_id=2544897)
>>> client.prospect.update('', group_id=5499876)
>>> # identify by id
>>> client.prospect.update(7142577, user_email='')
>>> client.prospect.update(7142577, user_id=2544897)
>>> client.prospect.update(7142577, group_id=5499876)


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