partialize 0.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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partialize 0.0.3

Python partial on steroids

Like python functools.partial but with change/extend access to args and kwargs.
Also a great tool even if no partial is needed but the function takes args/kwargs that often depends on logic.
Easiest used as a decorator
from partialize import partialize

def dummy(a, b, c=None):
return 'hello world'

partial_dummy = dummy.partial(1)
partial_dummy.b = 2
or invoked inlineā€¦
partial_dummy = partialize(dummy)
partial_dummy.a = 1
Use it on functions that needs logic to affect arguments passed, instead of building and passing a dict as kwargs
which often gets quite messy and hard to read.
Dict kwargs example:
from partialize import partialize

def search_products(site, query=None, brand=None, tags=None):

kwargs = {}

if logic:
kwargs['query'] = q

if more_logic:
kwargs['brand'] = 'brand name'

products = search_products(site, **kwargs)
Partialize example:
search = search_products.partial(site)

if logic:
search.query = q

if more_logic:
search.brand = 'brand name'

products = search()

Note: function argument names are validated when set, unlike dict string keys.


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