particleShield 0.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

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particleShield 0.0.4

particleShield is a Python library designed to facilitate radiation shielding calculations. It provides a set of functions and utilities to determine the amount of radiation absorbed by different shielding materials for different types of radiation.
This Python code provides a set of functions to perform various calculations related to radiation physics, including:

Half-value layer (HVL) calculation
Buildup factor calculation
Dose rate calculation
Radiation attenuation calculation
Bethe-Bloch equation for energy loss
Bragg curve generation


Python 3.7


Make sure you have Python 3.7 installed on your system.

Install the required dependencies by running the following command:
pip numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Download the particleShield library and import it in your project.

The package can then be imported using:
import particleShield

Ionizing Radiation
particleShield provides multiple functions for calculation of radiation protection and dosimetry for different types of ionizing radiation.
#Calculate the half-value layer
hvl = particleShield.calculate_hvl(initial_intensity, attenuation_factor)

#Calculate the buildup factor
buildup_factor = particleShield.calculate_buildup_factor(penetration_depth, attenuation_factor)

#Calculate the dose rate
dose_rate = particleShield.calculate_dose_rate(intensity, conversion_factor, time, distance)

#Calculate radiation attenuation
attenuated_intensity = particleShield.calculate_attenuation(I0, mu, x)

Beth-Bloch equation
The Bethe-Bloch equation is used to calculate the energy loss of charged particles (e.g., electrons, protons, alpha particles) as they pass through a material. It describes how these particles lose energy through ionization and excitation of atoms in the material.
#Calculate energy loss using the Bethe-Bloch equation for Protons in Air
kinetic_energy = 100 # MeV
charge = 1 # Elementary charge units
atomic_mass = 28.09 # g/mol
atomic_number = 14
ionization_potential = 78 # eV

energy_loss = bethe_bloch(kinetic_energy, charge, atomic_mass, atomic_number, ionization_potential)
print("Energy Loss:", energy_loss, "MeV/cm")

Output: Energy Loss: -4.297 MeV/cm
Bragg Curve
The Bragg curve is a graphical representation that illustrates how the energy deposition of charged particles varies with depth as they traverse a material.
#Generate the Bragg curve for protons in air
alpha = 0.1666 # MeV/(g/cm^2)
p = 1.76 # g/cm^2
shallowest_depth = 10.0 # cm
deepest_depth = 15.0 # cm

generate_bragg_curve(alpha, p, shallowest_depth, deepest_depth)

Bragg curve for protons in air:


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